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Congratulations to Dianne!

I wanted to give a quick shout out to Dianne.

She hasn’t been on the team for long but she got busy, implemented
our plan and has already qualified and made her first $1,000 Commission!

Coastal is a serious business and those that want to make some serious
money only have to follow instructions.

No games, not a hobby.. get busy and prosperity will come.

Here’s to your prosperity.. God Bless!!


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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Say “Goodbye” to Your Paycheck to Paycheck Lifestyle!!

frustrated woman with credit card

Career Builder estimates 6 out of 10 Americans live “paycheck-to-paycheck.” Of that number, another 40% rely on credit cards for their basic living expenses.

The truth is, 69% of America carries some type of debt every month. Not 50 years ago, people wouldn’t even fathom going into debt! Being in debt was a shameful way to live. And now we are here, in a society that has accepted debt as a part of life.

If this is you, the good news is… you aren’t alone. The even better news, there is something you can DO about it that DOESN’T require making more money. But you have to be willing to get out from under that stress, that bondage, that hold the credit companies have over your life. “Debt – an ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slave-driver.” – Ambrose Bierce. Debt is total bondage!

The difference between people who have debt, living paycheck-to-paycheck and those who are debt-free or are banking money into their savings every month, is not how much money they make. It has everything to do with their mindset and how they view money.

You might not realize it, but if you spend everything you make you have a poverty mentality. This mentality says the money won’t always be here so you have to spend it while you got it. A poverty mentality motivates you to buy expensive houses, fancy cars and “designer” clothes you actually can’t afford. It has you convinced that you need more stuff, more money and more things to prove your social status or to bring you happiness.

Just a few months ago Business Insider published an article on the 10 characteristics debt-free people all have in common. Hint: It isn’t that they make more money than you. However, one of the major ones is that debt-free people SPEND a lot less.

“Debt-free people live on less than they make. You can start to improve your situation immediately by changing the way you look at your money. Imagine you make 10%, 25%, or even 50% less than you do. Make a budget using that math. It may seem impossible at first, but start making cuts to your spending.”

You might think money is already tight, but once you sit down and do the math you’d be surprised. It might mean you sell a car for one with a lower payment, move into a smaller apartment. If you’re really committed, it is totally possible! You just have to fight your own ego, your own poverty mentality telling you that you need those things.

One other big characteristic the article listed is that debt-free people have financial goals. If you do not have a purpose for your money, it will get sucked into any and everything. A night out on the town here, a quick stop at the grocery store even though your ‘fridge is full of leftovers there. A man without vision will perish!

You make goals on where you want to vacation, places you want to visit, how much you want to weigh – well, you need one for your finances as well. If you have no overall vision or plan to get debt-free – it will continually get pushed off. “I’ll think about making a plan next month when money isn’t as tight.” or “I should be getting a bonus soon and that will help me start.”

Clear away your objections and start this new mindset today! Don’t just accept your debt or living paycheck-to-paycheck as a way of life. That is not living your life by design, it’s living by default. And you are totally better than that.

Are you debt-free? If so, tell me how awesome it is to be free of that bondage now. Just realize these principles still apply to you! Make sure you are changing your whole mindset to stay out of debt for good and to build a financial future for yourself and your family.

Leave me your comments on today’s message and don’t forget to Like and Share it with your friends.

Let’s start your week off right. Join us this Monday afternoon on The Dani Johnson Show at 12 pm ET/11 am CT for more tips and strategies to live your life by design.

In great faith,

signature dani Wave Bye Bye To Your Paycheck To Paycheck Lifestyle

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Source: DaniJohnson.com

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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How I Handle Fear to Achieve My Goals!

If You Can Dream it, You Can DO IT!!

Having fear is normal.  Not taking action in spite of fear however, is what keeps people stuck in the rut they are in for a lifetime.

* lifestyle dreams not gone after.

* Goals not achieved.

* Dream jobs not pursued.

* Relationships not pursued.

* Things not tried (but secretly you wish you would have)

* You name it.

When you allow fear to overcome your deepest desires to do something, that’s a form of imprisonment that you put yourself in.  That’s not conducive to living your life full out, nor what you deserve.


FEAR:  False Evidence Appearing Real

The things we as humans allow our mind to believe about what is true and what is just a story we are telling ourselves, is astonishing.

But because we have been programmed since birth to basically accept what we fear as being a real threat to our well-being, our brain recalls events, conversations, hurtful comments, being made fun of, teachers and parents that didn’t offer positive feedback, no education on self-worth, etc., these fears can seem very real to us.

As a result, when we set out to do something great… to reach for a breakthrough… to start a new thing…our past comes up to bite us in the butt and we self sabotage our success.

Heck, for that matter, we self-sabotage our attempt!

Beware:  That is just our old non-serving, non-believing mindset that’s trying to protect us.  In actuality, it’s hurting us and keeping us from achieving our dreams.  Don’t stand for it!

The things we worry about when allowing fear to hold us back, are things we imagine in our minds which are negative with bad outcomes and they haven’t even happened!

Not only that, the film we play in our heads about the “what if’s” usually never happen anyway!  It’s all fabricated!  Our worst nightmares never come true!

So even when you DO do the thing that you feared, take note that none of those horrible things you imagined would happen, didn’t.  You survived and are probably pretty proud of yourself!

How I Personally Handle Fear

There have been many times in my life that I was fearful to do something I really wanted to do… and followed through to do it anyway because there was a goal, an accomplishment, a dream, an opportunity for learning, experiencing and growth on the other side of it.

As far back as I can remember, I’ve taken action in spite of fear.

I remember….

As a new legal assistant, when I was first called into the attorney’s office to “take a letter”, (back in the days when shorthand was how things were done), I was scared to death that I wouldn’t be able to keep up.

As a newly licensed real estate agent, when I signed my first listing agreement back in the days of my real estate career, I was fearful that all the things that could go wrong, would go wrong and somehow I would be to blame.

When I got my first buyer and wrote my first contract for the sale of a home, although I had practiced in the classroom, I was dealing with this person’s biggest asset and boy was I fearful that I would do something wrong and it would hurt them.

When I was asked to do trainings for foster parents and social workers about how to make life books for kids in care, I was fearful that I would be perceived as the amateur with no college degree teaching those who did have the degree.

When I was asked to host a company call for one of my network marketing companies, I felt the blood and life drain from my face as they were announcing my name.  I thought I was going to faint.  I literally had to put a damp cool washcloth on my face which I had next to me because I knew I’d need it.  I was so afraid of saying the wrong thing.

When I was asked to be a coach for two well-known and 7 figure industry leaders’ team, I wondered if I was good enough, worthy enough, would be effective enough.  I was afraid to let people down.

When I first hosted my own webinars, I was fearful of many things…

1)  nobody to back me up of I really stumbled on my words.
2)  what if the microphone didn’t work?
3)  what if people couldn’t see my screen?
4)  what if someone asked me a question I didn’t know the answer to?

I mean to tell you, I was a basket case!

When I was first asked to speak on stage at an event and share my story, I was fearful about…

1)  Who wants to hear a middle-aged, overweight woman?
2)  Who cares about my story?
3)  What if I forgot my own story because I was nervous!?
4)  What if I ran over… or too short.. time wise?

But I said yes anyway…

“ANYWAY” being the key word here

Here’s what I do when I have feelings of fear.

1)  Recognize how I’m feeling.  Acknowledge it.  I say “Ok, I feel you but I’m not going to allow you to hold me back, the show will go on.”

2)  Find feelings of being grateful for the opportunity to go through the experience.  Most often when I do this, I get more excited about what I’m doing.  It’s magical.

3)  Understand that whatever I’m fearful of, is my imagination.  The things that I am worried about are made up in my mind, stories I’m believing about myself that aren’t true and turn the focus off of me.

4)  Focus on how I can serve others.  Whatever I’m doing is not about me.  It’s about those who are listening.  How can I inspire them, help the with a breakthrough, with ideas, with solutions, and give them hope.

This ALWAYS puts me at ease and a great level of comfort!  This is really my super, duper, number 1 thing I focus on.  And boy does it work to settle those butterflies down!

5)  I recognize during these times of fear that I’m growing and the more I grow, the more I stretch and get out of my comfort zone, the more I can serve others which in turn elevates my income.

6)  I also remind myself that whatever fear I’m experiencing, I’d rather go through this than work a job, work for a boss, be slave to the 9-5.  That’s not an option.  So I gladly go through whatever I have to go through so I never have to punch a clock!

I hope hearing how I hand fearful situations helps you put your own fears in perspective.  Try these ways of accessing and thinking and see how it feels.  I bet you’ll be surprised at how you end up feeling.

You’re awesome!  You’re brave!  You can do whatever you say you can!

Let me know how I can serve you….

To Your “No Boss” Lifestyle…

Source: Ms Deb


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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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48 Epic Dream Hotels to Visit

A GOOD HOTEL CAN MAKE or break a trip. The worst hotel in the best place is still going to make retiring after a long day an unfortunate experience. The best hotel in the worst place, on the other hand, can be something of an oasis. Take the best hotels and put them in the best places, and you’ve got a private slice of the vacation you’ve always dreamed of.

Here are 48 absolutely epic dream hotels.

1. Ladera Resort, St. Lucia

Possibly the singular spot for your perfect Caribbean excursion, the Ladera Resort represents the intersection between design, luxury, and the ideal location. Amenities include a full spa, a host of excursion experiences, and the ability to swing straight from a bench into the pool. Equally sick: Jade Mountain Resort.

2. Manta Resort, Tanzania

Ever wanted to be able to go down the stairs of your resort room, hoist the blinds, and be stared down by schools of fish? Can you get over the fact that in doing so, you’ll be painfully aware that your accommodations are anchored offshore? If you answered yes to both of those questions (as I have), then the photos of the Manta Resort have probably inspired you to add Tanzania’s Pemba Island to the bucket list.

3. Äscher Cliff, Switzerland

More of an inn and restaurant than a luxury resort, this getaway built right into an Ebenalp cliff is the best spot to take a breather on your trek up the northern Alps. The views here will keep you charged as you continue your trip through the Swiss mountains.

4. Giraffe Manor, Kenya

These images are not photoshopped. At Giraffe Manor, located in a suburb of Nairobi, giraffes belonging to the resident breeding and conservation program will join you for breakfast.

5. Hotel Kakslauttanen, Finland

If you’ve never heard of this place, you’ve probably spent an enviably small amount of time on the internet. With its infamous glass igloos and log cabins, the Hotel Kakslauttanen offers an exclusive inside-while-outside winter experience. You know, so you can be immersed in the beauty of frozen forests and incredible winter auroras while simultaneously safe and comfortable inside your own private bubble of warmth.

6. Ubud Hanging Gardens, Bali

One part boutique hotel, one part epic infinity pool over the Ayung gorge, one part Payangan jungle, and one part architectural masterpiece combine to make one smooth cocktail of a resort. While the Ubud is known for its terraced tree villas, it’s really all about the award-winning pool. (Literally, this pool has won awards.)

7. Icehotel, Jukkasjärvi, Sweden

At the absolute top of my bucket list, the Icehotel is like living in an art installation. A very cold art installation. Though the ice accommodations are available for only one season a year (for what I hope are obvious reasons), the hotel also offers “warm accommodations” and a host of summer activities, including “art experiences with ice, and adventures in the surrounding wilderness under the midnight sun.”

8. Cocoa Island Resort, Maldives

Just a 40-minute speedboat ride from the archipelago’s main airport, Cocoa Island floats as a cluster of 33 over-water suites (straight out from those sweeping white sand beaches you’ve seen in every tropical island fantasy you’ve ever had). With two private diving reefs to explore, who’s got time for spa treatments?

9. Loisaba Star Beds, Kenya

Two sets of outdoor “star beds” can be found in the Kenyan wilderness — the “Kikobo” beds overlook the waterhole from which they take their name, and the “Koija” beds sit on stilts over the Ewaso N’giro river. Each “star bed” is partially sheltered and contains a “Mukokoteni” (a specialty handcrafted bed on wheels, for moving into and out of the shelter). Kenya is known for its wildlife, so you’re bound to see some amazing creatures in this outdoor getaway.

10. Burj Al Arab, Dubai

One of the tallest hotels in the world, the Burj Al Arab sits on a private, manmade island 1,000 feet offshore and is connected to the mainland by a private bridge. Inside the tower (designed to look like the sail of a ship) are 202 double-story rooms, the largest of which covers 8,400 square feet and is the 12th most expensive hotel suite in the world.

11. Treehotel, Sweden

The multi-styled Swedish Treehotel comprises such rooms as: the Cabin, the Mirrorcube, the Bird’s Nest, the Blue Cone, the UFO, the Tree Sauna, and the Dragonfly. Though perhaps a little literal in the naming of the rooms, the architecture and execution at the Treehotel are pretty next-level and make for a unique experience in the Swedish forest.

12. Hotel Marques de Riscal, Spain

Designed by renowned architect Frank Gehry, this luxury hotel is situated in the heart of Spanish wine country in the medieval town of Elciego. The property is famed for its Basque-Riojan cuisine and also has a rooftop library lounge with views of the Spanish countryside.

13. Dedon Island Resort, Philippines

According to the resort’s website, the property’s creators conceptualized Dedon Island as a “kind of laboratory” for realizing experiments in outdoor design, organic farming, and sustainability.

14. Phinda Homestead, South Africa

Small-scale and utterly luxurious, the Phinda Homestead is a family-size lodge situated on a private game reserve
within the KwaZulu-Natal region of South Africa. No one around but you, the lodge staff, and the wildlife.

15. Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi

Managed by the Kempinski Group of hotels and resorts, this seven-star property is the second most expensive hotel ever built. Might as well play the part and arrive via the private marina or helipad.

16. Conrad Maldives Hotel

With its glass-bottomed bungalows and underwater rooms, the Conrad Maldives Hotel has serious appel. To reach it, you have to take a 30-minute private seaplane, but on arrival you can enjoy any of their 101 carefully curated cheeses and 20,000 wines, while being surrounded by whale sharks, manta rays, dolphins, turtles, and “an excellent coral reef.”

17. Alpina Gstaad, Switzerland

The Swiss ski village of Gstaad is one of the top resort areas in the Alps, and the Alpina is pretty much the top-of-the-line accommodations for those who have the scratch. The views from your room’s balcony couldn’t get much better.

18. Hotel de Glace, Quebec, Canada

The first (and only) true ice hotel in North America, Hotel de Glace opened in 2001 and has been rebuilt every December since. With a three-month lifespan, the features of this hotel are different each year, but it’s famous for its recurring chapel, bar, and grand ice slide.

19. Gamirasu Cave Hotel, Turkey

This recently renovated hotel, used since the Byzantine era as a monastic retreat, had been a getaway just outside of Ürgüp, in the Cappadocia region, for centuries before it was converted into a hotel for the public, which pretty much guarantees its awesomeness.

20. Katikies Hotel, Greece

On Santorini (with its signature white-and-blue color scheme), the Katikies Hotel lends further credence to the idea that not only is putting a pool on an island surrounded by water not redundant, but you can do so just about anywhere in Greece and still achieve a killer view.

21. Rayavadee Resort, Thailand

The mac-daddy of Thailand resorts, this place looks like the deserted jungle island you’ve always dreamed of waking up on after a bumpy flight to somewhere boring. To top it all off, after your day of lounging in the luxury hydro-pool your pavilion is outfitted with, you can catch the sunset from this sandy beachside cave restaurant.

22. Hotel Au Vieux Panier, France

Situated in the heart of Marseille, each room at the Au Vieux Panier has been individually decorated by an artist or graphic designer of worldwide acclaim (and the rooms change every year). Not only is there a rooftop terrace where you can look out over the city center, but also a hotel library, perfect for a relaxing night in.

23. Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, Tanzania

The absolutely quintessential African safari resort, the Ngorongoro Crater Lodge acts as steward of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a wildlife reserve home to scores of rare and endangered species. It ranks #1 on TripAdvisor as “best stay in Tanzania.”

24. Panchoran Retreat, Bali

Carved out of the Balinese jungle by Irish designer Linda Garland in an ongoing project since the ‘70s, the Panchoran Retreat is a blend of art project, resort, and eco-garden. The retreat has been home to festivals, workshops, and generations of environmentalists conducting research year round.

25. Boscolo Milano, Italy

Built in the shell of a 1920s structure overlooking Milan’s golden square and the Milan Cathedral, the Boscolo Milano combines colorful avant-garde decoration with the luxury of five-star restaurants and spas.

26. Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort, Thailand

Half resort, half elephant camp, Anantara Golden Triangle sits at the convergence of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar in the heart of northern Thailand’s mountainous jungle. Not only do they offer a full range of spa treatments, but they also organize elephant treks through the surrounding jungle and playtime with the herd’s baby elephants. Baby. Elephants. Need I say more?

27. Hotel Sidi Driss, Tunisia

Okay, I know what you’re thinking, but suspend your disbelief for a moment so that I can tell you that not only are those the remains of Luke Skywalker’s home from Star Wars, but also, you can stay at them for $10 a night. Epic dream achieved!

28. Cambrian Hotel, Switzerland

The Cambrian provides yet another option for luxury accommodations coupled with some extraordinary views of the Swiss Alps.

29. Sala Silver Mine, Sweden

Sometimes “getting away from it all” involves going 155 meters underground (to the world’s deepest hotel room), and while no one thinks of staying in a historic silver-mine-turned-resort for their holiday, perhaps the accommodations at the Sala Silver Mine are enough to keep it in mind, rather than going to some boring island.

30. Marataba Safari Lodge, South Africa

Marataba Safari Lodge is not a for-profit hotel, which alone should be a major selling point. The lodge is located within a massive game preserve, and its main purpose is to generate the revenue necessary to support the preserve’s continued projects. Their main goal is to restore the natural balance of flora and fauna in the region, with the help and involvement of people from all over the world.

31. Viceroy Hotel, Bali

With a prime location like Bali, it would be pretty easy for a resort to skimp on just about everything and rely on the beauty of its surroundings. Thankfully, the Viceroy simply saw that as a challenge and took luxury to the nth degree with amenities including private airport retrieval via helicopter, direct to the only hotel-owned helipad in the district.

32. Crazy Bear Beaconsfield, UK

Part of a chain of hotels famed for their over-the-top opulence, the Crazy Bear Beaconsfield was opened in 2008. Its luxurious rooms were built inside a painstakingly restored 15th-century coaching inn, coincidentally the oldest documented building in Beaconsfield.

33. Barin Ski Resort, Iran

Just an hour outside of Tehran looms the Barin Ski Resort, a white fortress designed to mimic the snow-covered mountains that surround it, and with an interior that feels an awful lot like an igloo (though the architects opted for “topographic layers” instead of ice blocks). The Barin Ski Resort was designed, inside and out, to reflect and complement its natural surroundings, and the effect is truly stunning.

34. Astarte Suites Hotel, Greece

The infinity pool to end all infinity pools — this hotel in Santorini is so proud of its pool that you can even view it in blistering high-def 360-degree panorama on the website. The luxury doesn’t stop at the pool, however, as every suite is decked out with all of the amenities one would expect from a luxury resort, plus some form of Jacuzzi.

35. Attrap’Reves Hotel, France

Another actively form-over-function locale, the space-pods at the Attrap’Reves would make me feel like I were the chief cosmonaut in charge of terraforming some faraway planet. What’s not to love about that?

36. Taj Lake Palace, India

Built on a natural four-acre foundation in the center of Lake Pichola, Taj Lake Palace has been voted the most romantic hotel in the world. However, it was originally the royal summer palace of Maharana Jagat Singh II (and all of his reigning successors). The palace is so plush it has been used as the set for a number of British and Indian films and television shows and has hosted kings and queens from all over the world.

37. Montaña Mágica Lodge, Chile

This Huilo-Huilo hotel is not only a manmade geyser, but also a UNESCO biosphere reserve. The 232 square miles of reserve surrounding the hotel have hot springs carved in the center of tree trunks and a variety of wildlife ranging from the puma to the pudú (the world’s tiniest deer).

38. Caves Resort, Jamaica

Located in Negril, and so much more than just another cave resort, this smaller lodging provides renowned all-inclusive packages for their 12 “exclusive cliff-side accommodations.” On the 10-acre property, the resort has its own cave restaurant to dine in while catching the sunset and bathtubs built right into the cliff.

39. Whitepod Hotel, Switzerland

Self-dubbed an “eco-luxury hotel and alpine experience,” the Whitepod Hotel maintains its environmentally friendly green during the white Swiss winters. From their website: “Whitepod aims to be a model for sustainable tourism by using a number of measures to limit its impact on nature, for example: minimize daily water and electricity consumption, reduce waste production, favour the use of renewable resources, and increase the clients’ awareness of environmental protection.”

40. Juvet Landscape Hotel, Norway

Europe’s first “landscape hotel,” this conceptual blend of architectural design and emphasis on nature led Norwegian architects Jensen and Skodven to build the seven stilted glass-walled cubes in an effort to maintain the illusion of complete integration with the surroundings. Each cube, and subsequent ‘experience,’ is unique.

41. The Oberoi Udaivilas, India

Perched at #4 on the 2012 list of World’s Best Hotels, the Oberoi Udaivilas sits on the shore of Lake Pichola in the palace city of Udaipur. The hotel’s architecture was modeled on real palaces of the Mewar region of Rajasthan (the largest state of the Republic of India, known as “the land of kings”) and includes sweeping arches and hand-painted domes.

42. Sofitel So Bangkok, Thailand

Designed to bring a touch of French elegance and luxury to a modern Thai setting, Sofitel So is decorated to reflect each of the five Chinese elements (water, earth, wood, metal, and fire). Looking out over Thailand’s capital city, the hotel also features a spa that apparently resembles a mythical forest.

43. Quinta Real Zacatecas, Mexico

Honestly, there are few things cooler than staying in what looks like the Mexican equivalent of the Coliseum. Part of the Quinta Real hotel chain, this former-bullfighting-ring-turned-luxury-resort is one of the premier places to stay in Zacatecas.

44. Hotel La Claustra, Switzerland

Built entirely underground in a former army fortress, La Claustra is still 2,050 feet above sea level, despite being located far beneath the surface of the Gotthard mountain pass. However, this demilitarized artillery bunker gets cold in the winter, so the 17 rooms are only available for booking between May and October.

45. Free Spirit Spheres, Canada

Set high in the trees of Vancouver Island’s temperate rainforest, each of these three spherical dens was handcrafted and precisely anchored in the canopy, 10 and 15 feet from the ground. While they may not represent everyone’s idea of luxury, the idea of gently rocking in the breeze while you fall asleep is incredibly appealing and would be a bliss usually reserved for native tree-dwelling critters and boat-owners alike.

46. Hotel Everland, Switzerland

More of an art piece than a true hotel, Hotel Everland was a project by the artists Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann (known professionally as L/B). The one-room hotel was built to be entirely portable and was moved around Europe five times before retiring to Switzerland. It can only be booked one night at a time, but comes equipped with its own record collection!

47. Hotel Ristorante Grotta Palazzese, Italy

Another epic cave-integrated hotel, the Hotel Ristorante Grotta Palazzese is located on the cliffs of Polignano, facing the Adriatic Sea. The cave restaurant, the hotel’s centerpiece, is where meals are served only a couple dozen feet above the crashing waves.

48. Inn at Price Tower, Oklahoma

You might not think “Oklahoma” when you hear the words “epic dream hotel” — but it’s somewhat comforting to think there could be a 221ft, Frank Lloyd Wright-designed tower with luxury accommodations just one town over.

Source:  Alex Scola

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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