Tag Archive | six figure income

Going Down to the River

I wanted to share this video. It is so inspiring. Enjoy!!


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Are You Living the Luxury Lifestyle?

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Ms Johnnie Wright
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Coastal Vacations

10 Unwavering Truths That Successful People Live By


Work for your success, don’t just dream about it.

When you work as hard as you do, you are bound to run into several unanticipated challenges that require you to harness all of your strength and skill to continue on your path of success. Additionally, you are also likely to get offered all sorts of advice to help you solve these problems.

In order to set all of your options straight, these 10 pieces of advice that successful people apply to their lives will allow you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Regardless of your goals, the industry you are in, or what you want to achieve, these tips are essential for your success.

1. You can achieve what you thought was impossible

When you go along your journey, you will have many people tell you what you can’t do or that you shouldn’t do. You might even catch yourself telling yourself that it is impossible. One thing that successful people do is,  if they want to do something, regardless of how big it is, they tell themselves that they can do this, no matter what other people say. We are all capable of achieving more than we think, so don’t be the one holding yourself back.

2. There will be failures

Chances are, you will find failure before you find success. We all fail in order to reach success. The key to successful people is that when they are dealt with failures in life, they stay resilient, don’t wallow in it, and take away what they learn. They realize that it will pay off in the end, so they stick with it.

3. Growth takes time

Realize that your success just can’t be achieved overnight. Real, meaningful, and sustainable growth happens over time, and happens very slowly. If you did achieve success overnight, you short-cut yourself in going through the work of obtaining it. The process of achieving success if just as important as the outcome itself.

4. Freedom is the best reward for your work

There are plenty of people out there who make a comfortable living, but don’t get to enjoy it. They are slaves to their jobs or working for a boss they don’t respect. As you advance in your career, realize that the best reward for being a success at your job is to enjoy freedom and do what you want in life.

5. It’s OK to lose

Realize that you won’t always attain a goal, and realize that it is okay. When you don’t achieve something, it is easy to want to give up on your efforts. However, the most successful people realize that one loss doesn’t impact their ability or desire to achieve. Refocus after a tough loss, learn from it, and see what you can do better.

6. Successful people control their emotions

Although your work life may be the cause of your stress, the people who can manage their emotions are the most successful. By keeping a cooler head in the office, you can always prevail. Keeping your emotions in check will also help you solve problems more rationally, rather than making decisions based off of emotions.

7. Never be afraid to be wrong

Successful people also realize that they aren’t perfect and won’t always make the right decisions. Take risks from time to time, and even if they don’t pan out the way you want them to, know that you took a calculated risk that did pose some value at one point. No one is ever right 100 percent of the time, and making mistakes earlier in life that you can learn from will make you a more seasoned decision-maker.

8. Your success depends on you

If you want to reach success, you need to assess your individual commitment to the goal you desire to achieve. If you aren’t reaching success, take a look at yourself. Are you doing everything you can to try to reach your goals? Are you completely devoted to those goals? Do the little things you do in life add up to what you are trying to achieve? The most successful people can answer yes to these questions.

9. Never stop trying to improve

Successful people know that there isn’t a limit on what knowledge you can gain or what you can learn how to do. Never stop learning and improving. Even when you think you have achieved it all, try to climb a bit higher. There is always way more room to work and achieve more.

10. Financial freedom can help you get the life you deserve

Although financial freedom shouldn’t be the only end goal you have, it is a powerful thing. No matter where you are from, being happy is the number one factor you should be striving for in life. The most successful people can say that they are happy. Yes, they may be financially sound, but they enjoy what they are doing. They are surrounded by people they love and love them, who encourage them to work hard for their goals.

source: Zig Ziglar

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Coastal Vacations

Don’t Allow ‘BUT’ to Stop You..

Most of us go through life pretending…
That we don’t have any special goals or ambitions or desires..
When deep down inside we do really want more..

We block ourselves, and use these words almost like we’re in a trance..
Like we’re sleepwalking through life.

We find way to cancel our dreams.
A lot of things we want to do, a lot of places that we want to go,
a lot of things we would like to experience and we just stop at ‘BUT..’

‘BUT’ will cause you to hide out behind fear.

‘But’ will cause you to come up with all kinds of excuses that you can
validate your inaction and NOT acting on your dreams.

‘But’ is a Dream Killer.

Most people, do you know what they do?
They go through life quietly and tiptoeing to the early grave.

We’ve been holding back, we have ideas that we don’t act on.
Things we want to do but are afraid to take action on….
(Watch the Video to hear the rest)

Learn More Today – Click Here!

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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Work at Home with Coastal Travel Vacations

Do We Have a Solid Product?!

Live Your Dreams BannerWorking from home is an awesome experience when you are rewarded with time freedom and financial flexibility.  But the key is you will never get there if you don’t have a solid product.  Notice I didn’t say you need the “BEST” product because the truth is there is no such thing.  But you should market something that you benefit from, believe in and actually own on your own.  I’ll break down more specifics on having the best or a solid product as we go here.  Just follow along this can determine your success or lack off.  This can be the difference in spinning your wheels and struggling to actually reaching your goals or blasting past them and having to set new and better goals.

OK so let’s break it down, first with marketing something you benefit from.  You will do a much better job of marketing and presenting any product if you have actually gotten a benefit from what you market.  Now in my case I market a travel product so therefore I should get some travel benefits from my product.  Even if I don’t use it maybe I’m “disabled” and can’t travel I should be able to transfer part of my package and get the enjoyment of knowing that my product is helping someone else.  That’s still a benefit.

The key is everything about your product does not have to “revolutionize” your life.  Companies out there all over the world act like what they have will change the world forever, and maybe it will.  What I’m telling you is if you have any solid product you can change your family’s life for ever.  If you market nutritional supplements, it is important that you do get a benefit you can see and feel.  Look if your company offers 100 products you don’t need to benefit from all of them.  You just have to have a benefit you can believe it.  Therefore you will be more successful at marketing and profiting while you work from home.

DFI_BannerSecond, your product should actually be something you believe in.  When I say you believe in it, I’m talking more about your passion.  Let’s face it who doesn’t need good health? We would all say yes to that. Not many people are choosing to race to their tombstone anytime soon.  Now that being said even though everyone knows they need good health not every one actively pursues good heath in their diet, exercise and vitamins. Some of them may buy your product if you sold supplements but the fact is if they do not really believe in the benefit of good health and they are not passionate in their every day life they will not market that supplement with passion.  You must believe in your product to the point that you are passionate about the benefits and how it can help someone.

Finally, by this point it should go without saying.  But if you benefit from a product, believe in a product you should own it.  Because if you own it you prove you are a product of the product and you are willing to pay for it.  It’s amazing how many people attempt to market a product they supposedly believe in but they don’t actually own it.  Let me ask you, If you were looking to buy a new reliable car but you learn the owner of the dealership actually owned a cheaper alternative, maybe even one of his competitors how would you feel?  How silly would that be? Why would you buy a car from him/her?  If you sold supplements (easy example) and your clients came to your home, office or met you for coffee and saw you taking Wal-Mart vitamins what would your clients think? Now you maybe that slow poke that doesn’t get it and think, well I would not show them the “cheaper” vitamins.  The point is, you would be a hypocrite and how far will that get you and is that really a product you should market?  Probably not you may do better actually working at Wal-Mart.

So in closing having a solid product is required for any long-term success when you work from home.  So do you get a benefit from your product, do you really believe in your product and do you own it? Are you a product of the product? If this product or service you have is going to be the key to your goals and dreams.  If it’s going to give you the financial flexibility you want, time freedom you need and memories with your friends, family and those you care about., why the heck would you not want a solid product.  Remember, believing you have the best product on the planet is fine.  But no product is the best forever hence this thing call innovation.  So be realistic and strategic and find something you can believe in, benefit from and even own on your own.

Freedom is a Decision!!
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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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DFI Live Hero of the Month Ms Joanie Generates 30K Doing the Basics!!

This Article came in from DFILive.com and I just had to share Joanie’s Testimony — Enjoy!!

Joanie: The Power of Just Doing the Basics

clip image002 thumb January Hero Of the Month

Congratulations to Joanie for being chosen as the DFI Hero of the Month!! Is it possible to earn a substantial income, a life-changing income, just quietly going along doing the basics???? YES!!! Recently, Joanie broke her own income record! After several months of making $3,000-$10,000 a month, she generated over $30,000, “just doing the basics.”

Joanie and her husband, Anthony, were not accustomed to making that kind of money. Before finding Coastal, they really struggled to make ends meet monthly. Anthony worked in the oil fields in pipeline installation. He was often gone for weeks at a time and the income was inconsistent. Joanie operated a small in-home day care, juggling caring for children and paying the bills. In an attempt to make things a little better, they decided to make a move, in which Anthony would take on a new position.

Joanie moved first with their two children. She decided to get a couple of jobs to pay the bills, so she took up working as a waitress in a local restaurant and teaching at a preschool. She initially thought she would enjoy working a 9-5 job like everyone else, but soon found it taxing to be away from her children that many hours a day and still did not have enough income to take care of their needs. Anthony’s new job fell through and they were left living off credit cards and feeling dissatisfied and unhappy.He

clip image004 thumb January Hero Of the MonthMore and more desperate, Joanie began seeking out what it meant to work from home. After filling out a few forms on the internet and receiving many phone calls, she was called by her director. She knew right off that what he had was different. She was impressed by his integrity, and the simplicity and genuineness of the system that she saw. Making the decision to start her business with Coastal, she attended First Steps to Success with Dani Johnson.

Coming out of that event, Joanie was so excited by all that she had learned that she insisted Anthony should go! She made several thousand dollars right away through Coastal and came home to be with her children again.

Joanie and Anthony have paid off $50,000 in debt in just 23 months, thanks to the increased income from Coastal and the “War on Debt” strategies they learned at First Steps to Success. With only $20,000 more to go, they are planning to be debt-free by the end of this year.

clip image006 thumb January Hero Of the MonthJoanie is looking forward to bringing her husband home. “He always supported me in Coastal. Now we will be able to spend more time together and we’ll be working together – as a team.” They are excited about the possibilities of what they will be able to do with their kids. They are looking forward to showing their kids the steps to be anything they want to be and they are going to have fun doing it! They’ve already been able to do more traveling together as a family and they are looking forward to even more.

Joanie’s vision is so much bigger than herself and her family. She loves “handing someone the keys to a fresh start.” Joanie wants to see her success duplicate itself in others. She knows that “the only limits we have are the limits we put on ourselves.” Her passion and fire are to help people experience the world without limits.

Always learning and applying what she’s learned, Joanie found that the best thing she can do for her business is keep it simple! “Stick to the basics. Stay focused. Stay on track. When you get comfortable, remember where you came from. I made over 5 figures a month just doing the basics: pick up the phone, read scripts, and do it all over again.”

Way to go, Joanie!!! Keep up the great work!!!! Congratulations!!!

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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Barbados Islands, Resorts, Beach Attractions


It is a red-yellow island which is pushed out by volcanic activity. On its west coast, its beaches consists of white sand with a blue-green sea. Under water border, this beach provides deep-sea diving with the scuba diving. At the east coast the waves blown energetically by the strong wind against a rocky beach. Due to its constant breeze it winds give a gentle and pleasant temperature. When you take a tour of this island, you will see rolling hills, water course, deep hills with an interesting contribution of vegetable life and animal kingdom. With this there is a huge collection of underground lakes which is very important; it gives you the facility of drinking water which is the genuine in the world. This island is very unique and over the years two land masses are merged.

Barbados Island (1)Barbados

Barbados Island (2)
This island is very beautiful with lots of activities like music, art, night life and contains some of the best restaurants. Barbadians called Bajans, are very friendly and always ready to meet with smile. They will make you feel special, you will feel that it is your home and you will wish that come back again.

Barbados Island (3)Barbados Island

Barbados Island (4) Around 270,000 people live in this island. It is situated in the Lesser Antilles with Saint Lucia to the northwest and in southwest Grenada is located. This island is also known as land of flying fish, which is a very common sight.

Barbados Island (5)

Barbados resorts 1Barbados Resorts

Barbados resorts
There are many attraction places. For natural lovers there is Welch man Hall Gully, where you can see the beautiful trees, flowers with 7 unit of wild garden in the island. Besides this you can get fun with water as well. They have their personalized sailing expedition, which gives you comfort, enjoyment and service. You will be totally entertained. It contains varieties of tours. Like, the Boatyard which offers you fresh water showers, diving, beach beds. Jolly Roger offers you, sailing and swimming facilities with the beautiful west coast. You can also join Jamming Catamaran Cruises where you can do swimming with turtles, fishing and diving as well.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABarbados Beaches, Classical  View

Barbados Beaches (2)

Barbados Island (1)Barbados Map

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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Why Does Coastal Travel (DFI) Work? Freedom at it’s Best!

CV.Ocean.Island.BannerI’ve always said the business was simple but why? I’m going to lay out in bullet points what I explained to him and why I believe Coastal Travel is so simple.

1. The product is in huge demand. Who does not want to take a vacation? With the news and perception that the economy is slow who does not want to make some extra money on top of that? But that alone does not make it simple.

2. The presentations, the telling and selling is already done for you. DFI is a marketing and training system established by Coastal Travel Directors for Coastal Travel Directors. IF you are part of the DFI Marketing/Training and Development system then you don’t have to build websites that is already done. Live Conference calls that are live and with real people. Hosted by people who are giving back of their time. Usually 6 Figure Income earners doing the presenting for you and answering questions for you when you are brand new.

3. Advertising and Marketing already figured out. While you can market coastal travel like any other product or service. If you don’t have that type of background you can use the same marketing methods that every other leader is using. 95% of the money I ever earned came utilizing our marketing companies that DFI has set up for us. This is probably one of the biggest reasons for success. The successful directors are building their business just like the newest person. That’s duplication.

4. Support and Training is unbelievable. In Coastal Travel you can believe that almost always your director I don’t care how long they have been around they will be there to help you. It’s genius the way the training pay works. I’d say it definitely ensures that someone is there to help you but, on top of that the DFI Training System is incredible. 18 live support training calls every week were successful directors are volunteering their time to help you build a business and succeed. They are giving back because someone did it for them. OK maybe this is the reason for the business being so simple.

The bottom line is this where else in corporate America does it exist were the most successful people will volunteer hours a week to help guide you and be there to provide feedback for you when ever you need it. If you are like me you maybe wondering what do they get for it? That was my biggest question about 4 years ago as well. The reality is they get absolutely nothing except for a good feeling inside knowing they are helping someone get to where they are.

5. The People, are genuine honest and real. Some of the best people I ever met in my life were in DFI. I’d have to say that DFI makes Coastal Travel what it is. People who care about you from day one. It doesn’t matter that they don’t know you, in the beginning you just know that they are there to help. It’s not till later that you realize behind the scenes on every call there are hundreds of people in the background that are cheering you on and pulling for you. They really do want you to succeed. Over time they start to learn who you are as a person, by your voice over the phone and your personality. How many times have you had someone encourage you to do better over and over. They were never jealous they just wanted to see you succeed!

I guess I’d have to restate the obvious now because of DFI, Coastal Travel is an extremely simple why to work from home. All the hard part of being in your own business is figured out. They have the product, the presentations are figured out for your clients via websites or conference calls, they have the clients already expecting to hear back from you and they have people who are incredibly giving. Over all combined DFI has created the best experience of my life.

Source: Stacy

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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Dusit Thani Maldives

Welcome to Dusit Thani Maldives


Dusit Thani Maldives blends graceful Thai hospitality with the unparalleled luxury setting of the Maldives.

Encircled by white sandy beaches, a stunning 360 degree house reef and a turquoise lagoon, the luxury resort on Mudhdhoo Island in Baa Atoll – the Maldives’ first ever UNESCO biosphere reserve – is just 35 minutes by seaplane from the capital Malé and 10 minutes by speedboat from the Dharavandhoo Domestic Airport in Baa Atoll.

Dusit Thani Maldives Hotel

The natural beauty of the Maldives forms the perfect backdrop for the facilities and activities on offer at Dusit Thani Maldives. Guests can dive and snorkel, swim in the Maldives’ largest infinity pool, retreat to one of Devarana Spa’s treetop treatment pods for a pampering experience or dine at one of the exquisite restaurants before heading back to the comfort of one of the Thai-inspired villas or residences.

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Ms Johnnie Wright
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Is Coastal Vacations Travel Network Marketing?

Me.EnjoySixFiguresCoastal Vacations Travel is an association of entrepreneurs that market the Coastal Vacations travel packages at wholesale prices.  Coastal Vacations does have a compensations system, but it is not an MLM, Network Marketing, a Pyramid, or anything like that.

Coastal Travel uses a 2-up compensation plan.  There is a lot of confusion because a lot of people think that Coastal Vacations is an MLM or a Pyramid.  The 2-Up system basically works this way:

Coastal Travel gives a minimum commission of $1000 to its members, actually, they get to get that money in their hands themselves first and then order the travel package from the Coastal Vacations shipping center called N.B. Management our of Florida.

A Coastal Travel member is called a Director. There is Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 directors. Each director brings people on board and they help their new associates to make their first two sales by training them in one of the many systems that the Coastal Vacations groups offer and helping them close the sales.

Then, the first two sales of the new associates are passed up to the Director because he helped close those sales, called training sales.

Once an associate gives his director two training sales, he now becomes a director and can make money at the level that he comes in at.

This system is very attractive to a lot of entrepreneurs because once they make their first two sales they can make a minimum of $1000 per sale. Coastal Travel has commissions of $1000, $3200, and $9700 depending on the level if these packages are sold retail.

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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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