
Is Coastal Vacations Travel Network Marketing?

Me.EnjoySixFiguresCoastal Vacations Travel is an association of entrepreneurs that market the Coastal Vacations travel packages at wholesale prices.  Coastal Vacations does have a compensations system, but it is not an MLM, Network Marketing, a Pyramid, or anything like that.

Coastal Travel uses a 2-up compensation plan.  There is a lot of confusion because a lot of people think that Coastal Vacations is an MLM or a Pyramid.  The 2-Up system basically works this way:

Coastal Travel gives a minimum commission of $1000 to its members, actually, they get to get that money in their hands themselves first and then order the travel package from the Coastal Vacations shipping center called N.B. Management our of Florida.

A Coastal Travel member is called a Director. There is Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 directors. Each director brings people on board and they help their new associates to make their first two sales by training them in one of the many systems that the Coastal Vacations groups offer and helping them close the sales.

Then, the first two sales of the new associates are passed up to the Director because he helped close those sales, called training sales.

Once an associate gives his director two training sales, he now becomes a director and can make money at the level that he comes in at.

This system is very attractive to a lot of entrepreneurs because once they make their first two sales they can make a minimum of $1000 per sale. Coastal Travel has commissions of $1000, $3200, and $9700 depending on the level if these packages are sold retail.

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Boost Up Your DFI Coastal Travel Business in Just 5 Easy Steps

Discover.The.World.of.Wholesale.TravelIt is a fact that Coastal Travel is in the top 5 home-based businesses virtually since its launch 25+ years ago. It a business that people can do online and offline and make thousands of dollars on each sale. However, many people join Coastal Travel and then get frustrated when they don’t see the expected results in a short amount of time. Here are five steps that could guarantee you a boost in your Coastal Travel sales if you implement them immediately.

1. Treat it like a business:

OK. Now you signed up for Coastal Travel and are ready to see those $1,000, $3,200, and $9,700 check come to your door. It is absolutely possible, but Coastal Travel is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is a business and thus you need to treat it like one. It is very important that you have a quiet office space in your house where you can conduct your business. You must also have a daily schedule and a list of thing to do everyday for your business.


2. Change your mindset:

A very well-known motivational speaker states that “successful people think about what they want and how to get it”. Don’t think about your obstacles, but about how you are going to accomplish your vision. Write down your dreams and your mind will find a way to make them happen. Think positive, be enthusiastic, and go for it!

3.  Add Value and Bonuses:

We never suggest the Coastal members to talk about the investment price first. Let them find out about the incredible vacations, the free cruises, the potential income they can make with the Coastal Travel Vacation Package first. Once they find value in what you have to offer them, they will find a way to get the money. We have seen it happen over and over again. People will find a way if they find value in the Coastal Travel vacation packages and how they could change their lives.

4. Don’t Try To Re-invent The Wheel:

Success leaves tracks. Find out who is already being successful with the Coastal Travel business and copy them! I am not suggesting you to copy every single word on their websites, but I am suggesting you find out what they are doing and you do the same! It is really as easy as that. Find out where they are advertising, what their ads say, what they say to their prospects, and every bit of information you can gather from them. I can almost guarantee you that most successful Coastal Travel reps have one thing in common: they treat their business like a business, they have office hours and stick to them; even if you can only work 3 hours a day, or 10 hours a week, stick to it and do it. If doing what they’re doing is successful for them, why not for you?


5. Location, Location, Location:

You have a great product and business opportunity in your hands, but nobody will know about it unless you advertise. Knowing where and how to advertise is vital for your business.  This will be the bloodstream that will draw people to you. You must advertise to be successful in any business, especially in Coastal Travel. The DFI Marketing System has a vast back office with training on how to advertise and amazing advertising companies to work with. This is how important it is for your business, and the advertising possibilities are endless if you get creative. Pay-per-click and classified ads are great, but you can also wear a button, tell everyone you know, pass out flyers and business cards, put a signature with your website on your personal emails; there are many free ways of advertising that you could use that won’t cost you a dime and could result in a $1,000 sale for you.

Now you know what to do to take your Coastal Travel business to the next level. I hope this article encouraged you and helped you get in the right mindset of success. The Coastal Travel vacation packages add up in value every year without changing in price. This business opportunity could be the pathway to financial freedom that many people dream of if they know how to run their business properly.

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

To Work With Me Directly and Earn 1K-9K Commissions in Travel, Click Here!!

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FAQ & Objections We Get With Coastal — Freedom at it’s BEST


Here are some of the Most Common Objections we get here at Coastal
and the explanations we give.  Hope this helps in your Decision Making Process!!

Most Common Objections Below is a list of the 22 most common objections we hear while working our Coastal Business. Never fear objections! Objections are great! They simply mean that your prospect needs more information. After answering an objection ALWAYS point your prospect to more information. Send them to the ‘next step’ in the presentation flow.Is there a way I can start with no money down?I can send you an email of 30 ways that people have come up with to get started with Coastal. It may even spark a new idea that’s not on the list. But here’s the deal: Without a commission up front, I would have no incentive to put my time, energy and money into training you. And likewise, you would not have the incentive to commit your time and energy into your own business. Obviously if you have money invested, you’re going to be more committed to your own success. And if you’ve made that kind of commitment, I will absolutely invest my time, effort as well as my money into making sure you have all the tools to be successful. I will purchase your first set of leads for you to help give you a jump-start and will be available to you to answer any questions you have along the way. But, without that commitment on your part, I would have no incentive to be committed to your business or your success.Can I get started on a payment plan?

You can absolutely use a finance option. We can send you the 30 ways to get started which offers many financing options for you. This may spark a new idea that’s not on the list. It makes more sense to make a small payment to a loan company or a credit card company rather than taking food off of your table by trying to make large payments.

We don’t need to go any further because there is NO way I can come up with that kind of money or I don’t have any money to invest.

You know what? No one who’s started this business had the money to invest when they got started. But that’s the number one reason why they all found the money. They saw that this was a legitimate vehicle to be able to change their lives. And they knew that if they didn’t take this opportunity, they’d be in the same position six months from now that they are facing today. The reality is, the people who need this business are the ones who DON’T have the money just lying around. What you need to do is look at all the information I am sending you, listen in on a Q&A call and do all the research. At that point, you may say to me, “Director’s name, I investigated and have decided that this business is just not for me. ” in which case, the money won’t be an issue. Or you may say to me, “Director’s name, I really like what I see, I really want to get started.” in which case the money still won’t be an issue. (If they don’t get that statement or ask why it still won’t be an issue, you can tell them: Because once you see the opportunity for what it is and how it can absolutely change your life, you won’t be able to sleep until you figure out how you’re going to get started.)

Is there an investment?

Absolutely! This is an opportunity to own your own business and if there wasn’t an investment, you’d probably be very wary of getting something great for nothing. When you start with Coastal, you purchase one of our packages, have the benefit of all the 100’s of vacations within that package and you have the opportunity of a lifetime to build a business! Think about it this way… If you were going to open a restaurant, you would have an initial investment of about $100,000.00 just to get it to opening night and about $5,000.00 per month to keep it going. Now, even if your restaurant was a huge success, you would be in the red for the first few years paying off that initial investment, right? This is true with most consumer business’. But with Coastal, you can invest very little and have everything you need to get started. Now, the biggest difference with Coastal is that you don’t get paid $20 per package as you would per plate at a restaurant. You get paid $1000, $3200 or $9705, depending on which package your prospect decides to invest in.

How much is the investment? (first call, before they’ve looked at the information)

Well, that is the information I am about to send you to. First I need to determine what exactly you are looking for.

This really sounds too good to be true!

You’re right, it absolutely does sound too good to be true and that is exactly what I thought when I first heard about Coastal. But this is what I knew to be true: I researched the web site and couldn’t find the proverbial ‘hole in the boat’. I listened in on several live Q&A calls and listened to many successful directors from all over the world give their testimonies and was able to ask any questions I had. I found that everyone was willing to help me understand every bit of this business even before I chose to invest. And, with the marketing system that was in place and the trainer compensation plan, I knew this absolutely was exactly what I’d been looking for. A legitimate business that anyone could do, that would allow me to make the kind of money I was looking for.

I don’t travel.

Funny you should say that, *prospect*. I didn’t travel either. My family and I have never taken a family vacation. But for me, it’s been because we either didn’t have the time or the money or both. With this business, you don’t have to travel if you don’t want to but if you don’t travel because you can’t, then this opportunity will not only afford you the time and money to be able to travel, but will also allow you to do it at wholesale prices with your lifetime membership package.

I’m not interested in the vacations.

You know what *prospect*, I wasn’t interested in the vacations when I first heard about Coastal either. I was just looking at the awesome opportunity and how it could change my life. My interest was really in whether this was a legitimate business that would allow me to (quit my job/stay home with my kids/help my husband pay the bills). But, now that I have seen what this business can do for me, I am really looking forward to taking some of the vacations in my package. For me, it was really just a bonus to the opportunity!

I was thinking about maybe just starting out at level 1 and seeing how it goes. What is the difference between coming in at level 1 vs. level 2 vs. level 3?

I will direct you back to my website where you can get all the details of the different Travel package benefits however when looking at the power of the business opportunity, it is very important that you understand that the higher level you start at, the more money you can make, and faster! (i.e if you had a choice of earning $1000 or $9705 for doing the exact same thing, what would you choose to earn? EXACTLY! That is why most people start at the highest level possible for them. It just makes more business sense doesn’t it?

I looked at the information on the web site and I decided it’s not for me.

Really? That’s interesting. What was it that turned you off?

1. Nothing in particular, just isn’t for me.

Hmmm. Let me guess, *prospect*, you’re a member of the ‘It’s sounds too good to be true club?”

2. Well, actually, it sounds too good to be true.

You’re right, it absolutely does sound too good to be true and that is exactly what I thought when I first heard about Coastal. But this is what I knew to be true: I researched the web site and couldn’t find the proverbial ‘hole in the boat’. I listened in on several live Q&A calls and listened to many successful directors from all over the world give their testimonies and was able to ask any questions I had. I found that everyone was willing to help me understand every bit of this business even before I chose to invest. And, with the marketing system that was in place and the trainer compensation plan, I knew this absolutely was exactly what I’d been looking for. A legitimate business that anyone could do, that would allow me to make the kind of money I was looking for.

3. I don’t like the idea of selling.

I am so glad you said that. I am not a salesman either and I hated the thought of going into sales. The truth is, if you were a salesman, I would probably have to re-program you. Your task here would be to guide your prospects through information and answer their questions. Let the system do the selling. Our automated system and live support and training calls do all of that for you. You just send them where they need to go and answer questions.

I wasn’t impressed with your website.

Wow, that is pretty amazing to me. What part of the information concerned you?

How much money have you made?

BE HONEST ON THIS. If your business has taken off slowly, be honest about this. How well you do and how quickly you take off depends on how well you learn and apply the information. Be honest about barriers you have faced and how you are overcoming them. Convey your intent to succeed. Focus on the support and training and then refer to your Director’s story. For example “I have been in the business for 4 months, I have completed 1 training sale, but I have had many revelations about things I need to work on. It has definitely been a learning experience for me. I have had to set the business down a couple of times for a week or two in order to deal with some personal obstacles, but was able to pick it back up and re-focus and that is what I am doing now. But even with those personal obstacles, I know that this is the vehicle that is going to change my family’s life forever. I intend to make ______ by ________ Let me tell you a little bit about my Director……..”

I’m too old/young.

Let me ask you something * prospect *. Do you have the ability to guide someone through information and answer their questions? Can you follow a simple system as mapped out by your Director? Can you do what I am doing with you here today? There is no age limit on this business. Anyone can do it if they are capable of following a system. That is the beauty of this business, there is nothing hard about the tasks and you are not required to have a degree or be a certain age.

I would like to do this, but my spouse is very sceptical.

Your spouse probably has the same concerns you have had. Send your spouse through the same process that you have gone through. Provide him/her with all the information and challenge them to find the “hole in the boat”. Bring your spouse to a live Q&A call and tell them to bring ALL their tough questions. We will be happy to provide your spouse with all the information they need to make a sound business decision. There are no secrets here, but your spouse should know and understand this decision and be in support of it. The only way that will happen is if they go through the same process you have gone through. Give your spouse credit, I think they are as smart as you are or you probably wouldn’t have married him/her.

I am not a salesman and I don’t like trying to convince people to do things.

I am so glad you said that. I am not a salesman either and I hated the thought of going into sales. The truth is, if you were a salesman, I would probably have to re-program you. Your task here would be to guide your prospects through information and answer their questions. Let the system do the selling. Our automated system and live support and training calls do all of that for you. You just send them where they need to go and answer questions.

I am not a people person.

Try to determine what they mean by this. If they really mean they are not a people person……………..NEXT, you don’t want them.

I just got a new job and don’t have the time.

Congratulations on your new job. Is this the opportunity you were looking for? What excites you about your new job? Do you see yourself making 6 figures in 6 months or a year? IF you had the opportunity to build a business that could provide a 6 figure income, would you take 15 hours a week to dedicate yourself to it? Great! That is all the time you will need to get things moving.

I don’t think I could make back my investment quick enough. (Get this out of your lap, it doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to them!)

How soon would you need to make back that investment. Longest case scenario, how long would that be. Generally speaking, any business you start is usually in the red for the first 2 years. That is not the case with Coastal Vacations, you could make your investment back in as early as a month if you put your head down, focus, and follow the system. How fast you earn depends on you.

How many people succeed or fail in this business?

The only people who fail in this business do not have the determination and commitment to continue to learn and stay focused. In short, they fail to follow the system and quit. Get on the live Q&A call and ask that question, you will hear MANY Directors concur with me, that I am sure of.

I have heard this all before, these things are all the same.

Sounds like you have been looking for the right home based business for a long time. I know that search can be very frustrating. Let me tell you what sets us apart from all the other opportunities.

  1. We are direct sales, buy wholesale, sell retail.
  2. We do not have to depend on a large down-line in order to continue to make money. Once your training sales are complete, you are a released Director and in business for yourself.
  3. There are no monthly products to buy or fill your garage with.
  4. We don’t have to tell people they are overweight, or they need better skin care, we get to offer a vacation membership package they can use for the rest of their lives AND share it with their family and friends.
  5. The lowest commission we EVER make is $1000 and it comes to us directly, not through a company that takes out there share! There is no opportunity out there that comes even close to Coastal vacations, our product has tremendous value and mass appeal and our commissions and pay plan pave the way to financial freedom!

I am skeptical because I have been burnt in the past from these kinds of things.

That is exactly why I am asking you to follow the process and do your due diligence. Ask every question you can think of and listen carefully on a live Q&A call to what others are saying about Coastal. There are no questions that scare us, we are an open book. You may have been on live Q&A calls with other companies, but the difference is, these are not staged in any way. There is a short presentation that is scripted and 80% of the call is open to live Q&A, you can tell they are live, that truly impressed me about this business.

Is Coastal on the BBB and where are the headquarters?

Coastal is an association, not a company. We are governed by a Board of Directors who ensure our product and the vendors that participate meet our very high standards. Each Director can list their individual business on the BBB. For that reason, you may see bad reports specific to an individual business owner, but you would be hard pressed to find a complaint about our product. I encourage you to take a look at the information but let me point out that most of our vendors have been in business 12 years or more, most are licensed and bonded and publicly traded. You will recognize those vendors on our web site when you click on the travel package link.

Do I need a computer for this business because I don’t have one.

You do not need a computer to work this business. Many have made substantial incomes in Coastal without ever touching a computer. Remember Coastal has been around a long time—way before the internet became a common place to market products and services.
Some who start off without a computer, choose to go online soon there after because they see the simplicity of our marketing system with the capability of reaching millions of people each day, from the comforts of their home using the internet. In short, they quickly invest their business profits into a home PC or laptop.

This package doesn’t appeal to me because I like to travel during peak season and this doesn’t accommodate peak season travel.

Our package contains 60+ vendors. We have lots of options available to us. Some vendors have blackout dates, others do not. You will always be able to travel when and where you desire by trying different vendors in our package and planning ahead.

Why can’t I just prove myself and instead of buying a package myself just promote the business and pass up 3 sales to you?

That’s a great question and it makes sense to me. However, that is not how the program is designed to work. Time and experience have proven time and time again that for someone to be super successful in any business, they must first be a product of the product. By owning the product yourself, you will be able to create your own stories of the savings that you’ve had and the fun trips you’ve taken. Also, you won’t have to hide behind a lie should you imply that you own the package when, in fact, you don’t. Also, one of the most important qualifications in belonging to Coastal Vacations is having your own membership.

My first 2 sales will come from my family or close friends – I want to keep them under me so we can work together and benefit from the roll-ups. Can I pass up 2 others later on for my training sales?

That’s a great question and I completely understand. What we need to do is get busy and simply get your first two sales out-of-the-way. As soon as that happens, which should be within your first 30 days, you can then get the membership kits for your family. By the way, in the meantime, if they are wanting to travel right away, you can GIVE them one of your vacations now and they can pay you back when they receive theirs.

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

To Work With Me Directly and Earn 1K-9K Commissions in Travel, Click Here!!

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Christian Team

Say “Goodbye” to Your Paycheck to Paycheck Lifestyle!!

frustrated woman with credit card

Career Builder estimates 6 out of 10 Americans live “paycheck-to-paycheck.” Of that number, another 40% rely on credit cards for their basic living expenses.

The truth is, 69% of America carries some type of debt every month. Not 50 years ago, people wouldn’t even fathom going into debt! Being in debt was a shameful way to live. And now we are here, in a society that has accepted debt as a part of life.

If this is you, the good news is… you aren’t alone. The even better news, there is something you can DO about it that DOESN’T require making more money. But you have to be willing to get out from under that stress, that bondage, that hold the credit companies have over your life. “Debt – an ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slave-driver.” – Ambrose Bierce. Debt is total bondage!

The difference between people who have debt, living paycheck-to-paycheck and those who are debt-free or are banking money into their savings every month, is not how much money they make. It has everything to do with their mindset and how they view money.

You might not realize it, but if you spend everything you make you have a poverty mentality. This mentality says the money won’t always be here so you have to spend it while you got it. A poverty mentality motivates you to buy expensive houses, fancy cars and “designer” clothes you actually can’t afford. It has you convinced that you need more stuff, more money and more things to prove your social status or to bring you happiness.

Just a few months ago Business Insider published an article on the 10 characteristics debt-free people all have in common. Hint: It isn’t that they make more money than you. However, one of the major ones is that debt-free people SPEND a lot less.

“Debt-free people live on less than they make. You can start to improve your situation immediately by changing the way you look at your money. Imagine you make 10%, 25%, or even 50% less than you do. Make a budget using that math. It may seem impossible at first, but start making cuts to your spending.”

You might think money is already tight, but once you sit down and do the math you’d be surprised. It might mean you sell a car for one with a lower payment, move into a smaller apartment. If you’re really committed, it is totally possible! You just have to fight your own ego, your own poverty mentality telling you that you need those things.

One other big characteristic the article listed is that debt-free people have financial goals. If you do not have a purpose for your money, it will get sucked into any and everything. A night out on the town here, a quick stop at the grocery store even though your ‘fridge is full of leftovers there. A man without vision will perish!

You make goals on where you want to vacation, places you want to visit, how much you want to weigh – well, you need one for your finances as well. If you have no overall vision or plan to get debt-free – it will continually get pushed off. “I’ll think about making a plan next month when money isn’t as tight.” or “I should be getting a bonus soon and that will help me start.”

Clear away your objections and start this new mindset today! Don’t just accept your debt or living paycheck-to-paycheck as a way of life. That is not living your life by design, it’s living by default. And you are totally better than that.

Are you debt-free? If so, tell me how awesome it is to be free of that bondage now. Just realize these principles still apply to you! Make sure you are changing your whole mindset to stay out of debt for good and to build a financial future for yourself and your family.

Leave me your comments on today’s message and don’t forget to Like and Share it with your friends.

Let’s start your week off right. Join us this Monday afternoon on The Dani Johnson Show at 12 pm ET/11 am CT for more tips and strategies to live your life by design.

In great faith,

signature dani Wave Bye Bye To Your Paycheck To Paycheck Lifestyle

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

To Work With Me Directly and Earn 1K-9K Commissions in Travel, Click Here!!

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Coastal Freedom at it’s BEST!!

How I Handle Fear to Achieve My Goals!

If You Can Dream it, You Can DO IT!!

Having fear is normal.  Not taking action in spite of fear however, is what keeps people stuck in the rut they are in for a lifetime.

* lifestyle dreams not gone after.

* Goals not achieved.

* Dream jobs not pursued.

* Relationships not pursued.

* Things not tried (but secretly you wish you would have)

* You name it.

When you allow fear to overcome your deepest desires to do something, that’s a form of imprisonment that you put yourself in.  That’s not conducive to living your life full out, nor what you deserve.


FEAR:  False Evidence Appearing Real

The things we as humans allow our mind to believe about what is true and what is just a story we are telling ourselves, is astonishing.

But because we have been programmed since birth to basically accept what we fear as being a real threat to our well-being, our brain recalls events, conversations, hurtful comments, being made fun of, teachers and parents that didn’t offer positive feedback, no education on self-worth, etc., these fears can seem very real to us.

As a result, when we set out to do something great… to reach for a breakthrough… to start a new thing…our past comes up to bite us in the butt and we self sabotage our success.

Heck, for that matter, we self-sabotage our attempt!

Beware:  That is just our old non-serving, non-believing mindset that’s trying to protect us.  In actuality, it’s hurting us and keeping us from achieving our dreams.  Don’t stand for it!

The things we worry about when allowing fear to hold us back, are things we imagine in our minds which are negative with bad outcomes and they haven’t even happened!

Not only that, the film we play in our heads about the “what if’s” usually never happen anyway!  It’s all fabricated!  Our worst nightmares never come true!

So even when you DO do the thing that you feared, take note that none of those horrible things you imagined would happen, didn’t.  You survived and are probably pretty proud of yourself!

How I Personally Handle Fear

There have been many times in my life that I was fearful to do something I really wanted to do… and followed through to do it anyway because there was a goal, an accomplishment, a dream, an opportunity for learning, experiencing and growth on the other side of it.

As far back as I can remember, I’ve taken action in spite of fear.

I remember….

As a new legal assistant, when I was first called into the attorney’s office to “take a letter”, (back in the days when shorthand was how things were done), I was scared to death that I wouldn’t be able to keep up.

As a newly licensed real estate agent, when I signed my first listing agreement back in the days of my real estate career, I was fearful that all the things that could go wrong, would go wrong and somehow I would be to blame.

When I got my first buyer and wrote my first contract for the sale of a home, although I had practiced in the classroom, I was dealing with this person’s biggest asset and boy was I fearful that I would do something wrong and it would hurt them.

When I was asked to do trainings for foster parents and social workers about how to make life books for kids in care, I was fearful that I would be perceived as the amateur with no college degree teaching those who did have the degree.

When I was asked to host a company call for one of my network marketing companies, I felt the blood and life drain from my face as they were announcing my name.  I thought I was going to faint.  I literally had to put a damp cool washcloth on my face which I had next to me because I knew I’d need it.  I was so afraid of saying the wrong thing.

When I was asked to be a coach for two well-known and 7 figure industry leaders’ team, I wondered if I was good enough, worthy enough, would be effective enough.  I was afraid to let people down.

When I first hosted my own webinars, I was fearful of many things…

1)  nobody to back me up of I really stumbled on my words.
2)  what if the microphone didn’t work?
3)  what if people couldn’t see my screen?
4)  what if someone asked me a question I didn’t know the answer to?

I mean to tell you, I was a basket case!

When I was first asked to speak on stage at an event and share my story, I was fearful about…

1)  Who wants to hear a middle-aged, overweight woman?
2)  Who cares about my story?
3)  What if I forgot my own story because I was nervous!?
4)  What if I ran over… or too short.. time wise?

But I said yes anyway…

“ANYWAY” being the key word here

Here’s what I do when I have feelings of fear.

1)  Recognize how I’m feeling.  Acknowledge it.  I say “Ok, I feel you but I’m not going to allow you to hold me back, the show will go on.”

2)  Find feelings of being grateful for the opportunity to go through the experience.  Most often when I do this, I get more excited about what I’m doing.  It’s magical.

3)  Understand that whatever I’m fearful of, is my imagination.  The things that I am worried about are made up in my mind, stories I’m believing about myself that aren’t true and turn the focus off of me.

4)  Focus on how I can serve others.  Whatever I’m doing is not about me.  It’s about those who are listening.  How can I inspire them, help the with a breakthrough, with ideas, with solutions, and give them hope.

This ALWAYS puts me at ease and a great level of comfort!  This is really my super, duper, number 1 thing I focus on.  And boy does it work to settle those butterflies down!

5)  I recognize during these times of fear that I’m growing and the more I grow, the more I stretch and get out of my comfort zone, the more I can serve others which in turn elevates my income.

6)  I also remind myself that whatever fear I’m experiencing, I’d rather go through this than work a job, work for a boss, be slave to the 9-5.  That’s not an option.  So I gladly go through whatever I have to go through so I never have to punch a clock!

I hope hearing how I hand fearful situations helps you put your own fears in perspective.  Try these ways of accessing and thinking and see how it feels.  I bet you’ll be surprised at how you end up feeling.

You’re awesome!  You’re brave!  You can do whatever you say you can!

Let me know how I can serve you….

To Your “No Boss” Lifestyle…

Source: Ms Deb


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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Coastal Freedom at it’s BEST!!

How to Attract and Hire Incredible Talent

hire-the-bestIf talent is everything, that leads to an obvious question: how do you attract the best talent?

You could offer to pay them what they are worth – or a bit more – but most companies do not have unlimited funds to pour into compensation.

A far better strategy is to allow people to actually use their talent.

Here’s what happens far too often in business. A management team decides that a job candidate has “incredible talent”. They need to hire him or her. But, once recruited, that person does not receive the freedom to fully use their talent. Instead, they are forced to fit into an existing system, an existing way of doing business, or an existing political situation.

Lest you think I’m talking only about recruiting a CEO for a leading public company, I’m talking about the challenge that all organizations face:  small retail stores, aggressive VC-funded startups, well-established manufacturing firms, and even sports teams.

In professional sports, for example, owners often hire talented managers only to limit his powers. For ego or other reasons, the owner limits the manager’s ability to pick his team or to decide who plays. This is why great managers often have mediocre results: they never get to fully use the talents that got them the job.

Money is a powerful incentive, yes, but success and meaning are even more powerful. If you give a talented person the opportunity and resources to do what they were born to do, they will do everything in their power to join your organization. The more freedom you give them, the more attractive your offer.


Here’s the biggest challenge of all: you can’t offer them the same job they already have.

If you want to steal a great salesperson, you won’t be able to attract them by offering them a comparable sales job. The same goes for managers, programmers, designers and finance professionals.

Instead, you have to know that person well enough to understand what they really, truly want to do. Instead of knowing what they’ve done, you have to unearth what they aspire to do.

Like most smart moves, this one requires work and persistence. It’s harder to understand a person’s potential than their past, but human potential is the greatest treasure of all. Become an organization that understands and nurtures human potential.

Some years back, I was fortunate to be one of the original partners at a consulting and training firm called Peppers and Rogers Group. We grew from ten to 150 employees in three years. During this period, we hired a lot of people and gave them the opportunity to do what they were born to do. I hired a trainer and vastly expanded her role. I hired managers and gave them the opportunity to become paid speakers to leading executives. We took consultants who had been working with middle managers, and gave them access to CEOs and the founders of dynamic startups.

Not every hire worked out. But the ones that did, worked out in a spectacular fashion.

Most of us have the ability to do far more than we imagine, and certainly far more than our existing “boss” imagines. If you want to attract incredible talent, believe in people more than their current supervisor does. Have the imagination to recognize other people’s potential. Bring out the very best in others.

Source: Bruce Kasanoff



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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

To Work With Me Directly and Earn 1K-9K Commissions in Travel, Click Here!!

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Coastal Freedom at it’s BEST!!

What To Know About Working With Coastal Travel Vacations – Freedom at it’s BEST!!

four-seasons-limassol.2Spending the workday selling Coastal Travel Packages and other vacations sounds like a dream. This is why many people choose to work with Coastal Travel Group / Coastal Freedom / DFI, which is more commonly known as Coastal Vacations. Coastal Vacations sells wholesale travel packages to corporations and individuals. They offer work-from-home opportunities for people across the United States and around the world. Before starting to work with Coastal Vacations, there are a few things to know about the company.

What Opportunities Does Coastal Vacations Offer?

Coastal Vacations offers opportunities for its associates to work from their homes selling wholesale travel packages to both corporations and individuals. Initially, most people start with discount travel packages and work themselves up to more premium packages. The work is primarily office and sales work. Most of the selling is conducted over the phone or through the internet. It may also require the associate to host live presentations to explain the products and benefits of purchasing travel packages from Coastal Vacations.

Does It Cost Anything to Start Working with Coastal Vacations?

The investment cost for Coastal Vacations is quite high compared to other work-from-home opportunities. There are three different levels for the organization. The first level, which is the sale of discount travel packages, requires an investment of  $1,295. This money is paid directly to the Director/YOU. Once it is paid, you receive your package, the appropriate training materials and can start working with the company immediately.

What Type of Training Does Coastal Vacations Offer?

Coastal Vacations has an extensive training program to help its associates be successful in their positions. After paying the required joining fee, associates are able to participate in a systematic training program. The systematic training program teaches contractors about the business and helps them organize it to minimize time investment. In addition, associates have access to websites that have a library of information available with training information. Associates are taught how to handle sales, conduct seminars, and host live calls.

How Much Time Investment is Necessary?

As Coastal Vacations offers a work-from-home opportunity, there are no set hours. The hours that you decide to work are based on what works best for your schedule. As with any opportunity, the amount of time that you invest is directly related to how much money you are able to make. During the training sessions, you will learn how to become more efficient in your work with Coastal Vacations. That way, you are able to invest less time, but still make substantial profits.

How Much Money Can You Make with Coastal Travel Group?

Many people note that you can make a great deal of money working with Coastal Vacations. Ms Karen, who serves as one of our directors with the company, noted that people tend to make more than $100,000 in their first year. After several years of working the company, some people have made as much as $500,000 in one year. It depends on how successful you are in selling the product. However, it is noted that many people start making money within the first two or three weeks of signing on with the company.

While there is a high investment price associated with working with Coastal Travel Group, agents report that they can easily make that money back in one or two sales. Coastal Vacations offers an opportunity to work from your home, preview travel opportunities, and complete your work in a flexible environment. For many people who love traveling the world, the company provides an opportunity to combine your passion with your work. Overall, it is a sound opportunity for people who are able to comfortably make the upfront investment.



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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Coastal Freedom at it’s BEST!!


Become a Business Owner with Coastal Travel Vacations


A Well-Conceived Business Model

Coastal Travel Vacations believes in the regenerating power of vacation and the bonding effect it imparts to families and all sorts of relationships, including our relationship with ourselves. A business opportunity was constructed to reward like-minded individuals who are interested in investing themselves into the sale of travel memberships. Coastal offers memberships in a Vacation Club, and a business opportunity to refer others to the Vacation Club in exchange for compensation. Our compensation plans range from $1,000 up to $9,705!!

There are many advantages to owning any type of business.
There are perks associated specifically with owning your own travel business

Harness the Power of Network Marketing

If you are still with me then let’s explore the many advantages of partnering with Coastal Travel Vacations, also known as becoming an Independent Business Owner. We will introduce you to those in this article.

The Power of Leverage

Before we begin let’s briefly review the notion of network marketing. Just as all computer companies or biotech companies are not alike, network marketing companies are not all alike and they span many different industries. Vitamins and wellness, health and beauty aids, juice, skin care products, household cleaners and the list gets longer every day.

Wikipedia defines a network marketing company as one in “which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit”.

So this concept implies that if you build a strong sales organization and continue to train, grow, mentor and support your team then leveraging this model can have a multiplicative effect on your earnings.

Compensation Plan

Money.Travel.TimeFreedomCoastal has one of the most dynamic compensation plans in the network marketing industry. The beauty and simplicity of the business is the fact that the product is a membership.

Commissions: 1000, 3200, 9705!!

Additionally every time a membership is sold, the director is paid immediately, directly from their customers. This is known as instant income.


Superb Training
In order to be an Olympian you have to train. In order to master any sport or craft or any endeavor, you have to be committed to, (and have available) rigorous, ongoing training. Coastal provides state of the art training opportunities to our Directors plus one on one training with your very own Mentor – your Director.

Replicated Website

Coastal provides all  directors with access to a replicated website. This means a Coastal website with your name appended at the end of the website. This provides a complete brand for the director and offers validity to the opportunity being presented.

Global Business; Capitalizing on a Trend

Travel is a booming business and one that is still riding a positive growth trend. Travel and Vacation are global enterprises as people are constantly and continuously moving from place to place for a variety of reasons. If you add to this the fact that the business itself can be done from virtually anywhere you have many compelling reasons to seek more information about the business opportunity with Coastal Travel Vacations.


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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

To Work With Me Directly and Earn 1K-9K Commissions in Travel, Click Here!!

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I.Vacation.4.A.Living.Ask.HowChristian Team

Starting a Travel Home Based Business – What Are You Afraid of?

fear-of-failureStarting a network marketing home based business can be fun and exciting.  But, so many people get scared at the thought.

If you’re like most people, you have dreams that have not been realized.

You have debt that grows rather than shrinks.

You have the 9-5 grind you hate but accept and you spend 40 years of your life, and sometimes more, doing that.

You have places you’ve always wanted to go, things to discover and explore, tastes to experience and the older you get, the more you live in regret.

First, identify why these things are happening and you’ll most like find the answer is a lack of time and finances.

Second, if lack of time and finances are the problem, what steps have you take to change that? What are your options?

Another job?  No, that creates a bigger problem.

Entrepreneurship?  Yes. But, with that comes the question of what kind of entrepreneurship.

Creating your own product?

Opening a brick and mortar store?

Buying a franchise?

Marketing another product for a company through network marketing?

The fastest, simplest way to get started is through starting a  Network Marketing Home Based Business, so let’s talk about this in this article.

If you understand that you have all the tax benefits of a business owner, that in itself should be motivation enough to get started.  But I understand that many  people become anxious, fearful and come to a complete halt at the thought of starting an endeavor with network marketing.

What’s mind boggling to me however, is that people will endure a life of doing things they hate and that keep them in bondage, totally unfulfilled and unhappy, even hopeless and depressed rather than exploring deeper into why they may be fearful of something that has the potential to drastically change their life!

So, what are YOU so afraid of?  I love helping people start their own business and I’m often finding myself in this conversation with people.  I wish there was a magic wand that I can wave to remove the fear because it would remove the fog from the lens of the mind and allow the individual to realize their potential.

I’ve listed some of the more common fears people have in starting a network marketing home based business and perhaps you can relate to one or more of them.

1)  I could incur a  big financial loss

I consider a  financial loss something in the $40K above category.  That’s just a bit under the cost of a nice new non-luxury car).  A big financial loss would be more in the 6 figures.  There’s no network marketing companies that I know of that’s going to require any of those kinds of cost.  A high ticket item in direct sales for network marketing can be considered $1,500 to $30,000 and yes, those are out there.  But even at that, it’s not the end of the world if things don’t work out.

So let’s back that amount down even more.  There are many opportunities you can affiliate with for under $500.  Some have monthly auto ship purchases and some do not.  Those are called one-time purchases.  It would be silly to call that kind of money a financial loss if you decided to not go forward.  People spend $500 on QVC stuff they don’t need, on junk food and movies and stuff that just doesn’t matter.

So, financial loss can be crossed off the list.  BAM! No excuse.  This is an excuse for not starting a network marketing home based business.

2.  What if I fail?

So what if you fail!  If you want to learn to ride a bike, would you not hop on?  Or would you sit on the sidelines all your life watching other people ride bikes because then you don’t have to fail and fall.  This is a total mindset issue.  If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can’t, you can’t.  You will create your own reality based on your belief system.   The better question would be to ask yourself what can you do so you don’t fail?  Those are the questions you should be asking.  Unless you want to do the 9-5 grind for the next 40-50 years.

So, “What if I fail?” is crossed off the list.  BAM! Not moving forward for fear of failure is weak.  It’s a wrong belief system and an easy excuse to an underlying deeper root problem.  I would suggest that the underlying problem could be a fear of  what you think other people will think of you.

3.  What are people going to think of me?

Why should you care what others think?  Who are these others?  Family, friends, fellow students, co-workers?  Where are they in their lives?  Are they living their dream lifestyle?  Noooooo.   Their thoughts of you don’t matter.  You should only care about what you’re doing to secure your family’s financial security and fulfilling your goals, dreams, living your passion, making a difference in the lives of others, etc.  This is about YOU.  Not your neighbor, your dad, your best friend, or the tennis coach.   They are not paying your bills.  They are not living your life.  You must live your life.  You get one chance to get it right.  Start living for yourself and not making decisions to do or not do something based on a fear of what they will think.

So, “What will other’s think about me?” is crossed off your list.  BAM! Get excited about living life… this is not about what others think.  It’s about what you think about what you’re doing.

4. Not knowing what to do once you join a network marketing company.

This is why you sponsor shop.  You are not obligated to sign up with the first person you come in contact with in a particular company.  If you find a network marketing company that interests you, sponsor shop.  Look around, find out who’s doing what, see who’s in the game of truly running their business and connect with them.  The sponsor you choose should be glad to  coach you along, refer to you great resources and training materials and connect you with groups, forums, communities where you have the chance to get to know MANY fellow network marketers.  Never put all your focus on one mentor or coach.  Have many!  But, you can definitely join the network marketing company of your choice, with the sponsor of your choice.

I was coaching with a student today and we were talking about sponsor abandonment.  Heck, in today’s society, those who have sponsors that have flown the coop can still thrive and learn and create empires online based on the training available.  It’s not like it was in the old day where you relied heavily on your sponsor for everything.  That is old school.  Today’s entrepreneurs are getting help and building lasting relationships with their sponsors if they are available.  If they are not available, then it’s in no way, shape or form, keeping them back.  There’s a buffet to pick from in terms of what you want to learn, how to implement and rocking and rolling in your business.

Invest in your education and learn what you need to learn to create that lifestyle for you and your family that you so deserve.

So, not knowing where to start is not an issue.  BAM!  Cross that off your list.  It’s an excuse.
Make a list of all the excuses (yes, they are excuses) you can come up with and then have a business coach challenge you to face them.  Or, look in the mirror and face yourself.  You have one life.  Live it to the fullest and understand that if you choose to do the 9-5 grind for 40+ years, it’s a decision you yourself are responsible for.  Our schools and education system teach us how to grow up and become a slave to business owners.  You’d better serve your family and community by becoming a business owner.  Just food for thought.

5. I don’t know if something is a Scam.

Well, it’s easy enough to tell if something is a scam.  You can use your brain, look up to see if the company has leadership, an address, value based products, a track record, goodness.  This is way overused as an excuse.  Sure, there’s shady stuff out there, but you’re smart enough to know the difference.  Put on your professional hat and quit using that as an excuse.

So, worried about scams can be crossed off your list.  BAM!

6.  I don’t have time.

Hmmmm, I super challenge this one.  Here’s why.  People will always (100%) of the time, FIND the time for things they are interested in and desire to do.  I see this all the time.  It’s about prioritizing and the things of the heart always reveals the truth.  I’ve seen this over and over and over.  Someone is ‘too busy’ to do anything else, but then an opportunity to do something comes up and they jump at it.  Until you determine that building a business to reap the rewards for what it can provide for you family, the “I’m too busy” will always be a quick blow off excuse.

So, “I don’t have the time” can be crossed off your list.  BAM!

I would so love to hear from you on your thoughts about fears for not getting started in business.  By no means is this the complete list.  I’d have to write a book in that case.  But these are very everyday most common excuses I encounter.

How can I help you overcome?  How can I help you see that you deserve all of lives beautiful experiences?  Please leave me a Comment and Share  Thanks!

Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

To Work With Me Directly and Earn 1K-9K Commissions in Travel, Click Here!!

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Christian Team

Buzz Blogger Review – Need Traffic? You Need this!

One of my favorite bloggers online is Kim Roach over at BuzzBlogger.

Kim is one of those rare finds in the IM space that consistently provides
tremendous value in everything she does.


She’s a country gal at heart but don’t let that fool you…

She’s been beating out many of the big-name gurus with
her southern belle charm.

In fact, many refer to her as the ‘Traffic Queen’. Which from
what I’ve seen is certainly a worthy title.

At the ripe ‘ol age of 27 she’s managed to unlock
the secrets to massive traffic…testing and tweaking
new traffic strategies… plus adding her own little
twists and tricks.




And unlike most other marketers, she spends most of her
time in the trenches, locked up in the marketing laboratory –
cookin’ up more juicy traffic goodness.

But every once in a while she surfaces back up into the
real world to share her latest findings.

If you’d like to see what she’s been cooking up in
the lab lately go now to:

Kim’s has unlocked her very best traffic strategies in her latest
product called ‘The Marketing Lab’. It’s a LIVE Traffic Lab
that gives you the nitty-gritty about what works and what doesn’t.
It contains over 20 of Kim’s top traffic getting methods.

Inside the ‘Marketing Lab’ Kim shows you how to go from nothing
to over 3,000+ subscribers in just 30 days. (all in step-by-step detail).

You literally point and click your way to increased traffic with Kim’s
unique dashboard design. (as seen above)

You have to actually TRY to mess this one up! Because the point-and-click
learning system forces you to take action.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll find inside…

An underground tool for extracting exactly
where your competitor’s website traffic is
coming from. This is like being given the
keys to the kingdom. (I’m really surprised
Kim is sharing this little gem)

(If you thought Alexa was cool imagine knowing EXACTLY
how much traffic your competitors were getting each day
and knowing exactly where that traffic was coming from.)

“James Bond” tactics for spying on your
competitors and forcing them to hand over
all of their hard-earned, battle-tested,
profit-busting strategies.

A super simple method for cramming your opt-in
list with 200-400 subscribers in a single day…
(and NO this has nothing to do with ad swaps)

A really cool strategy that shows you how to get 10x
MORE traffic from EVERY article you write.

As many of you probably already know, traditional article
marketing is becoming less and less effective. What worked
in 2004 simply doesn’t cut it anymore.

So Kim show’s you 10 different ways to re-purpose your content
for additional traffic and exposure. Use just a couple of the
strategies in this video and you’ll have no excuse for not
getting AT LEAST a couple hundred visitors for every article
you publish.

… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

This thing is packed with over 8 hours of juicy
traffic goodness… NO fluff… NO filler.

With over 8 hours of step-by-step video and
enough how-to information to DESTROY literally
every question, worry and problem you’ve ever
had in regards to traffic.

<b>A Word of Warning:</b> There’s just ONE caveat to this
product. In fact, these traffic methods will NOT work in all
situations. In order for these traffic strategies to reap
their full power – you MUST be creating HIGH QUALITY CONTENT!
(not some auto-generated content that not even your momma would
be proud of…)

If you think you’re going to slap together some useless crap,
throw up some auto-generated sites and have thousands of visitors
pouring in…This course is NOT for you.

This training course was created specifically for people who
are looking to build REAL businesses online… People who are
dedicated to providing top-notch value for their visitors,
subscribers, and customers.

This is something Kim stresses a lot, and I agree. If you’re
not willing to take the time and effort to put together some
really good content and offer real value, then don’t bother
with ‘The Traffic Dashboard’. It will just be a waste of time
for you if you don’t have good content in place.


If you are dedicated to building a REAL business online and
providing your visitors with REAL VALUE then ‘The Traffic
Dashboard’ will help you to grow your business 10x faster.

Plus, at an affordable price to boot!

So, if you’re ready to turn on the traffic tap, then
click on the link below…

There are no “tricks”, or “magic traffic buttons” here, just
proven traffic strategies that are designed to generate traffic
as quickly as possible.

Plus, for those of you who are more advanced, Kim combines old
school tactics with new traffic twists and tips that you won’t
want to miss…

Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
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