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Congratulations to Dianne!

I wanted to give a quick shout out to Dianne.

She hasn’t been on the team for long but she got busy, implemented
our plan and has already qualified and made her first $1,000 Commission!

Coastal is a serious business and those that want to make some serious
money only have to follow instructions.

No games, not a hobby.. get busy and prosperity will come.

Here’s to your prosperity.. God Bless!!


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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Christian Team

Is Coastal Vacations Still Around?

Coastal Vacations sells travel and travel discount packages that provide discounted access to third-party travel services. It is not a seller of travel. In addition, CV assists its members in creating income through commissions paid for the recruiting of new members to CV (who in turn, if they too want more than discounted access to third-party travel services will recruit other members).

I Thought They Were No More

Given the nature of the internet, where stories can seem as current as morning coffee, you really have to search to find the calendar date of the contents you read. There are active Coastal Vacations associates and directors promoting the Coastal Vacations system right now (August, 2017). Some have the mistaken idea that Coastal Vacations is no longer with us.

Despite the scathing statements of public news sources, former Coastal Vacations members, and self-appointed investigators of potential scammers, it is true that Coastal Vacations continues. I mean look, you’re reading this for some reason, right?

What’s Current (Aug, 2017)

Coastal Vacations can be found at several internet locations. Among the most informative are:

Member Levels

Coastal Vacation memberships vary in cost and in privileges per level.

  • The Coastal Vacations Level I discount travel membership package (considered the Resort Vacation Package) provides a minimum of twenty-five membership cards and a minimum of 24 vacation bonuses (customizable, but pre-set travel packages) inclusive of hotels, condos, restaurants, vehicle rentals, RV hookups, recreation, airfares, cruises, and theme parks. A value CV sets at over $15,000.
  • The Coastal Vacations Level 2 discount travel membership package (considered the International Vacation Package) provides all that the Level 1 package provides with hundreds of international vacations and unlimited cruises as well as a discounted ticket to one of CV’s training seminars. A value set by Coastal Vacations above $20,000.
  • The Coastal Vacations Level 3 discount travel membership package (considered the Universal Vacation Package) with thousands of vacations and hundreds of 5,6, or 7 day cruises and a discount ticket to one CV training seminar.

The contents of each membership level is best determined by visiting directly with the Coastal Vacations websites above or with a recognized Coastal Vacations associate or director. There is a $25 shipping cost to each membership package received.

The Opportunity

A presentation is provided by a Coastal Vacations member as a CV associate or CV director.

The prospective member can choose to join at one of three levels of enrollment. Each is an upfront cost of:

  • $1,295 LEVEL 1
  • $3,500 LEVEL 2
  • $7,500 LEVEL 3

Financing and payment plan options can be discussed with Coastal Vacations representatives.

During the initial purchase these three member levels can be purchased at discounted rates by bundling two or more.

  • $3995  The Premier Package is a combination of membership LEVEL 1 and membership LEVEL 2. This is a savings of $800 off the combined cost of each level if purchased separately.
  • $11,000  The Platinum Package is a combination of all three membership levels (LEVEL 1, LEVEL 2, and LEVEL 3). This is a savings of $1,295 off the combined cost of all three levels if purchased separately. The encouragement is you save the entire cost of a LEVEL 1 membership if you purchase the Platinum rather than the Premier package.

Compensation Plan

Coastal Vacations travel services provided to their members are not to be individually re-sold. Membership cards issued in the name of the member are not transferable, but individual vacation and airline discounts are transferable as a gift or donation.

That being said, then the compensation plan is based upon the membership costs of incoming Coastal Vacation members as recruited by existing members.

The compensation plan used by Coastal Vacations is commonly referred to as a “two up” or “pass up” plan. In today’s speak it is called the “Australian Two Up.” (although there are plenty of people in Australia that don’t like it).

In brief, a “two up” plan means the first two new members enrolled by an existing member are credited to the existing member’s upline. Existing member A, recruits new member B and new member C. Existing member A “passes up” to the one who enlisted member A all the commission due for both new members B and C.

There are three levels within the Coastal Vacations compensation plan corresponding to the three membership levels when a person joins. A new member receives commission equal to or below the membership level held by the member. A new member is encouraged to purchase at the highest level possible in order to receive corresponding commissions, and must pass up the first two commissions the new member recruits at that level or lower. All commissions after the first two will come directly to the member who recruits.

The commissions per each level are:

$1,000 LEVEL 1

$3,200 LEVEL 2 (package purchase)

$9,705 LEVEL 3 (package purchase)


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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Christian Team

Thinking: Rich vs. Poor Thinking – 7 Mindsets of the Wealthy!

  • Most people believe that the rich have secrets to wealth that will not ever be shared with the peasants of the world. The truth is, the rich do have secrets. But they are probably not what you would expect. A simple shift in mindset can put you on the path to becoming as wealthy as you want to be. The following are examples of rich thinking vs poor thinking. Once you modify your view of wealth attainment, it will become clear just how possible the dream really is.

    Poor Mindset: “I grew up poor, so I will always be poor.”

    Rich Mindset: “I do not want to be poor, so I refuse to be poor.”

    In the United States today, there are more self-made millionaires and billionaires than at any previous time in our nation’s history. Long gone are the days where one must be born a rich baby to become a rich adult. It is a common, and dooming, mindset of the poor that one will forever be stuck in his station. However, the rich know that the first step to obtaining wealth is the awareness that it is possible.

    Poor Mindset: “It would be wonderful to be rich.”

    Rich Mindset: “I am going to be rich.”

    There is a great difference between dreaming of being rich, and deciding to be rich. Once you aware (and convinced) that wealth is possible, it is natural to wander into the land of daydreams–oh, the houses and cars you will be able to buy, the luxurious vacations, etc. If you are truly to become rich, you need to snap yourself out of the fantasy, and commit fully to the reality. Choose a concrete financial goal to cling to. Be sure that it is something truly meaningful to you, because luxury items will lose their appeal once the journey becomes more difficult. Perhaps your dream is to obtain wealth so that you can put your children through college, or retire comfortably in a beautiful location. Keep your true reason for desiring wealth in your mind at all times.


    Poor Mindset: “Someday I will learn how to become rich, after I ________”

    Rich Mindset: “I will learn how to become rich TODAY.”

    Those who procrastinate never become wealthy. Time is your greatest asset, and should be treated as such. If you are to become rich, you must start today. This is not to say that your bank account will suddenly grow–rather, you need to begin cultivating yourself and planning exactly how you are going to gain your wealth. Begin your research, write down your thoughts and ideas, and put them into action as soon as feasibly possible. It will take a while for the money to come in, which is why it is imperative that one begins immediately. 

    Poor Mindset: “I don’t think I can do it, so I won’t risk failing.”

    Rich Mindset: “Even if I fail, I have unlimited opportunities.”

    Here is a secret of the rich: Everyone fears failure. What separates the rich from the poor is the ability to recognize the fear and continue anyway. The poor believe that failing at a task makes that person a failure. The rich understand that everybody fails (not a person in the world is exempt), and that there are no limits to how many times one can restart and try again. Fear of failure needs to be seen as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. As billionaire Mark Cuban says, “I am always afraid of failing. It’s great motivation to work harder.” 

    Poor Mindset: “My friends and family will laugh at me if they know I am trying to get rich.”

    Rich Mindset: “I will share my secrets with others only after they ask how I got rich.”

    One fear that is not discussed enough, but is ever-present in all of us, is the fear of looking greedy or haughty to our friends and family. We worry that our loved ones will view us as arrogant, or foolish, to believe that we are capable of becoming rich. And what if we then fail? Will we be laughed at by the people whom we care about the most? The wealthy know that the best way to combat this fear is to keep your ambitions and plans as close to the chest as possible. Include only those who you can count on to be supportive, and avoid negative naysayers like the plague.  

    Poor Mindset: “I don’t have the time or interest to learn new things.”

    Rich Mindset: “I am my greatest asset, and the more I know, the more opportunities will present themselves to me.”

    Concentrating on money and how to get more of it will be a waste of time unless you invest in your own personal growth. Choose one personal goal at a time that will help you on your journey to becoming wealthy. Perhaps your plan is to start a business, but you lack knowledge in entrepreneurship. Or you want to invest in the stock market, but know nothing on the subject. Educate yourself. Spend a designated amount of time each day learning about your topic and practicing the skills that accompany it. Abraham Lincoln once said, “I will prepare and some day my chance will come.” By preparing, you will recognize when the opportunity comes your way. Without preparation, the chance will pass you by without being noticed.

    Poor Mindset: “Nothing I try has worked yet. This has been a waste of time, and I am done.”

    Rich Mindset: “Obtaining wealth requires persistence and patience.”

    Let us review your journey so far. You have realized it is possible to become rich, and decided it is what you will do. You began right away, and faced the fear of failure head-on. You surrounded yourself with those who support your ambition, and you invested in your own personal growth.

    The money still has not come in.

    After all of this work, and a huge shift in financial mindset, are you really going to quit? If you plan to be poor, you will quit. If you plan to be rich, you will not. Keep in mind that if it were simple and quick, everybody would be rich. While building wealth is rarely quick, it can be simple. Stick to your plan, build good habits, and never stop investing in yourself–the results will pay dividends.


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    Ms Johnnie

    Ms Johnnie Wright
    Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Where Do I Start as an Online Entrepreneur?!

So you want to get into online business? Good for you! Becoming an online entrepreneur can help you reach customers around the world and achieve your dream income and lifestyle. In fact, as of December 2015, it was estimated that approximately 2.5 billion people were logging onto the Internet every single day and spending millions of dollars online. Becoming an online entrepreneur gives you the chance to have a piece of that pie.

Being an online entrepreneur not only gives you the potential to succeed immensely, but it gives you the freedom to work where you want, how you want, and create the type of business you want to have. Gone would be the 9-5 hour days of sitting at a desk. Instead, you could be sitting on a plane to Hawaii while your business makes money for you.

This all sounds great but you are probably wondering where to start as an online entrepreneur. Like with everything else in life, you need to start with the basics. If you want to build an online business and become a successful online entrepreneur, start by following these steps.

Online Entrepreneur

Find a Need…Then Fill It

The first question you need to ask when starting an online business is what will your business sell? Will it be physical products, software, clothing, or something else? Now, this is a bit of a trick question because that is where most new entrepreneurs start…with the product. If you really want to be successful then you first need to find a need.

Pick an audience and discover what problems and trials they face in their everyday lives that don’t have a solution. Once you know that, then create a product that fills that need. Your online business will be much more successful if you start by solving a problem rather than by merely creating a cool product.

Build a Strong Base

When you become an online entrepreneur, there are a few things you absolutely must have. You must have a killer website, an email list, and a social media presence. This is especially the case if you have an online presence only. New customers will only be able to find you online and if you lack these three elements, you’ll be lost amidst the other online companies.

When it comes to creating a killer website, you must always think of the customer’s experience first. Keep it simple, clean, and easy to navigate. Also, make sure it loads quickly. You only have a few seconds, less than 5, to keep a customer’s attention before they leave your site. Make sure you include an opt-in offer (free content, discounts, etc) in exchange for email addresses to help you build your email list.

Sending emails is still one of the best ways to get a customer to convert. Plus, if you have obtained email addresses through your website or other opt-in offers, then you know the recipients want to hear from you. This gives you an even better chance of having them convert and buy your products.

Social media is one of the darlings of the marketing world right now and it would do your online business good to jump in as well. Keeping a consistent presence on social media sites can help you build an audience that is interested in your business. Building an audience of friends and followers that are loyal helps give your business a better reputation. Make sure though, that you only use social media platforms that help your business. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time.

Create a Good Reputation

One of the most important things you need to understand about online business is that people buy from people/companies they trust. If you want new customers, then you have to be a trustworthy company. There are several ways you can do this but here are two that we think are especially important.

The first way to create a good reputation is to establish yourself as an expert in your market. Publish free content that your audience will find useful including articles, videos, and infographics etc. Setting yourself up as an authority figure, especially as an online entrepreneur, will help your business gain the credibility it needs to succeed.

The second way to build up your reputation is through customer interaction and customer reviews. Customers will leave reviews on social media, Google, and other online sites. It is important for you to always follow-up with the reviews, whether they are positive or negative. Make sure you work through the problems that your customers face to let them know that you care about them as a customer. Potential customers will see this interaction and know that they can trust your company because of it.

Start Building Your Online Business Now

Becoming an online entrepreneur is a rewarding career and carries with it a lot of potential for success. When you start your online business, stick to the basics to get yourself off the ground. Find a need and then fill it with a great product, build a strong base, and create and obtain a good reputation. Staying on top of these three things will help you excel as an online entrepreneur and will cause your business to grow immensely.

See you at the top!!

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Ms Johnnie
Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

To Work With Me Directly and Earn 1K-9K Commissions in Travel, Click Here!!

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St. Martin – St. Maarten

The island of St. Martin/St. Maarten is split between French Guadeloupe and the Dutch Netherlands Antilles, located in the Leeward Islands of the Caribbean Sea. The island is one of the smallest land masses in the world divided between two countries. The northern, French side of the island is known as Saint-Martin, and measures 21 square miles. The southern, Dutch side of the island is known as Saint Maarten, and measures 16 square miles. To avoid confusion between the variations on the name, the two regions are commonly referred to as “the French side” and “the Dutch side.” Although the island is controlled by two different countries, there’s no real border, only delineating monuments and signs. Over 350 years ago the two countries agreed to allow residents of either country to travel across the border without difficulties.
Philipsburg is the capital of the Dutch side, and includes the cruise ship dock. In 2009, more than 1.3 million people visited the island via popular cruise lines, and construction of a second nearby wharf to accommodate a new generation of even larger cruise ships continues. The dredging has generated huge piles of sand on shore being used to rebuild Philipsburg’s main beach, previously eroded by storms. Marigot is the capital of the French side. Grand Case, also on the French side, features several excellent restaurants.Attractions worth visiting include the Butterfly Farm, which features hundreds of colorful butterflies under a tented mesh; the farm is a great attraction for families. At 1,400 feet, Pic du Paradis is the island’s highest point and features two viewing areas. Otherwise, beaches are the main attraction. The island has 37 beaches, most attached to hotels, and all are fine for swimming and sun bathing. Beachside bars and cafes are very popular attractions on the island, and offer exquisite European and Caribbean cuisine. Image result for st maartenThe character of the beaches varies widely, with family oriented beaches and, as befits an island with strong European influences, topless sun bathing. Nude sun bathing is also accepted but for the most part is limited to a section of Orient Beach on the French side and Cupecoy Beach on the Dutch side. Orient Bay also features an underwater marine reserve where snorkeling and other water sports are available.Perhaps the most famous beach here is Maho Bay, situated at the end of the airport’s runway, meaning large aircraft fly just feet over sunbathers’ heads. Some people actually engage in the practice of attempting to hold onto the airport fence as aircraft depart, although there have been injuries and deaths doing this. In any event, the view of the airplanes landing so close to the beach is a must-see. Just beyond Maho Bay is Mullet Bay, considered by some the nicest beach on the island, which offers food and drink vendors and beach lounger rentals, although few facilities. A full complement of tours and excursions are available, as well as water sports and parasailing.

Casinos are also a popular attraction on the island, with St. Maarten offering several casinos, including Atlantis World in the Cupecoy area, Casino Royale located in the Maho area, and Paradise Plaza and Tropicana located in the Cole Bay area. Phillipsburg has at least five casinos.

I’m a HUGE Fan of Plane.. Love to watch them take off and land so if you’re anything
like me, you’ll enjoy the video below. Enjoy!!

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Ms Johnnie Wright
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Nassau Bahamas


Quietly nestled on the New Providence Island in the Bahamas, Nassau charms its guests with the most spectacular sights.  This Bahamian beauty is a tantalizing treat for travelers looking for fun in the sun mixed with some culture.   From the cool ocean breeze beckoning you to go for a swim among the tropical fish, or touring the city’s iconic landmarks, Nassau is home to a wide variety of adventures.  Its friendly Nassuvians are excitingly waiting for your arrival, and they are willing to share the warmth that pours throughout Nassau’s landscape.  Get ready to embark on a magical journey by visiting an ideal destination to experience a little heaven on earth.

In the 1600s, Nassau was a magnet for many pirate attacks.  However, during the American Civil War the city was an important exporter of war supplies to the United States.  As the capital of The Islands of The Bahamas, the city is home to most of the island’s population; and it also preserves many of the Bahamas’ treasures.  Take a walk down memory lane and visit the Pirates of Nassau wax museum to capture a glimpse of the lives of pirates in the city.  Get up close to the city’s exotic wildlife of flamingoes and reptiles at the Ardastra Gardens.  An architectural masterpiece, Christ Church Cathedral is filled with many sacred artifacts.  Do not miss the chance to see the mystical caves or enjoy 360 degree views of Nassau atop the historic 126ft tall Water Tower.  If you desire aquatic thrills, the majestic beaches are never far behind.  Try your luck at fly-fishing or sail the ocean and watch the magnificent orange sunsets.

Nassau is a shopper’s paradise.  Local boutiques and markets are filled to the brim with authentic “made in Bahamas” souvenirs.  Take home a bit of the Bahamian culture with skillful handicrafts like straw hats and jewelry or enjoy duty-free shopping at the stores labeled DFS (duty-free logo).  Festival Place draws many shoppers with its colorful displays of genuine collectibles while offering a taste of some of the Bahamas’ treats.  Straw Market also reflects the heritage of Nassau’s early inhabitants with genuine crafts created by its locals.  By night the city transforms into a vibrant hotspot for party-goers ready to put on their dancing shoes’ or for tourists hopeful to become instant millionaires at the casinos.  For a calmer evening, spas are available to enjoy a quiet time of peace and relaxation.

The gastronomy of Nassau is a cultural adventure.   Be prepared to satisfy your palate with traditional Bahamian delicacies dripping with flavor.  From stalls to gourmet dining, there is a delight for every taste bud.  Stop by Arawak Cray and indulge in the delicacies of a “Fish Fry” with traditional foods like conch salad and seafood.  Restaurants like Bahamian Cooking and Bahama Grill Café specialize in Caribbean cuisine; however, if you are craving something different, there is a plethora of multicultural restaurants available.

Nassau experiences a tropical savanna climate during the period of a year.  The temperature averages from a daily high in the low 90s to a low in the high 70s in the warm season (June to October).   In cold season (December to March) the weather fluctuates between the high 70s and low in the mid-60s.

There are a variety ways to tour Nassau.  From buses to car rentals there is something for every type of traveler.  From 6:30a.m. to 7:00pm Jitneys(buses) will take you to various locations throughout the city and to Nassau’s neighboring destinations.  For $3.00 one way, you can visit Paradise Island via ferry.  Taxis are available by phone or you can flag them down from the street.   To travel at your own pace, you can rent a car as long as you have a valid driver’s license and you are at least 21 years old (remember to drive on the left side of the road).  Nassau can also be explored by walking along its vibrant trails.

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Ms Johnnie
Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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