
3 Things That Hold People Back From Online Success

Starting something new is always a bit nerve-racking, especially when it involves making money.

Starting an online business can be an amazing adventure, but it can also come with some unexpected bumps in the road. You won’t get everything right when you’re first launching your business, but that’s okay as long as you have a plan in mind and know what it is you are trying to accomplish to achieve online success. Did you come up with your own product that you’re selling on an e-commerce site? Do you want to be an affiliate marketer? Are you selling your own digital products, like an e-course or coaching services?

No matter what it is you are trying to do to accomplish online, you must be aware of these 3 things that hold people back from achieving online success. If you can avoid these 3 common pitfalls, you will reach your goals and achieve the success you desire.

#1: I’m Afraid to Fail

News flash: everyone on the planet is at least slightly afraid of failure, especially those who are seeking online success. It’s part of human nature to be afraid of taking risks and falling flat on your face, but if you want to truly be a successful online entrepreneur you will have to endure failure. You need to admit to yourself out loud that becoming an online entrepreneur will come with setbacks and failures. You have to admit this to yourself before you take one step forward, because otherwise you will lose courage as the journey gets increasingly difficult. It’s not a question of if you will fail, but when. As long as you know what you’re aiming for failure shouldn’t scare you.

#2: I’m not an Expert 

The idea that you need a few fancy letters after your name to make money online is a very outdated concept. Yes, to practice medicine you do need to be a doctor—same thing goes for lawyers. But becoming an expert typically does not require you to be certified in anything other than your own life experience. If you are amazing at helping people save and invest their money, then you can make a great living teaching people online. Same thing goes for fitness. You don’t have to be a business expert to sell products online either. If you have experience in a specific area and you know how to get results for yourself and others, that’s all the expertise you need. Don’t let a few credentials keep you from living out your online business dream.

#3: I Have Things to Figure out

All of us have things to figure out. Do you think Steve Jobs knew every thing there is to know about computers and software before he started Apple? Do you think Mark Cuban knew everything about live streaming before he started his internet company, and later sold it to Yahoo for billions of dollars? If you are waiting for all the stars to align and say you’re ready to launch an online business, you will be waiting forever. None of us are ready to take the next step—not really. What you need to do is have faith that with hard work, you’ll be able to learn what you need to learn to be successful. But what you need to do right now is just take the leap. There will never be a perfect time to start your online business—that perfect time is right now. Here’s to your success!!

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Ms Johnnie
Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Worry Less and Smile More!

  • Anyone else tired of reading the news? It’s been a rough year on many fronts, with global economics, violent shootings and unpopular politics filling the news cycle. Some days it seems next to impossible to filter through the negativity and find good in the world.

    It begs the question: Are optimistic people living in a state of self-delusion? Where is the value of positivity? Before you give up on humanity, really take a look around. There is good everywhere. There are wonderful things that will soften even the most callous heart. The key is ending the cycle of negativity in favor of the power of positive thinking.

  • Unplugging

    Our constantly connected culture comes with some serious perks. Social media, smart phones and tablets help us connect with loved ones on a level never before dreamed possible. However, all that connectivity keeps us dialed into the outside world all the time.
    Designate a part of your day, preferably a large part, as tech-free time. Give yourself permission to disengage from cynical Facebook posts, guilt-inducing blogs, dreaming of a better life on Pinterest and following negative news stories. Use this time to engage with the people around you.

  • Take 30 minutes to read books to your kids, prepare a meal with your spouse or call a good friend. These simple acts will boost your sense of well-being. When we make a conscious effort to leave our digital life behind, we re-enter the real world where you can make priceless memories.
  • Accentuate the Positive

    You can find the good in the world. You can break the cycle of negative thinking. It all starts with where you choose to look. Some people wallow in the negative. You know the people; they are the dramatic, needy, negative, energy drainers who you feel obligated to stay close with. Let them go.

  • Surround yourself with positive people, and you will find yourself becoming more positive in the process. Choose to spend your time with those who inspire you, lift you up and help you see the world for the beautiful place it is. These good people will put your challenges in proper perspective and keep you from focusing your energy on things beyond your control.Here are some lessons we can learn from our children on being happy.

    Seeking the joy.

    Now that you’ve learned to worry less by reconnecting with the real world and ditching the negative influences, it’s time to smile more. Smile more and mean it. Smile more and feel it.

    Happiness is a choice. It’s one we make over and over, every single day. We can choose to find joy. Get outside, celebrate the big and little moments, find your passion and follow it with purpose. If you can’t find the good in your world, create it. When you dedicate your time and talents to bettering the lives of others, you become the good you want to see in the world. What a powerful sentiment.

    Perfect for the Stay at Home Parent working with Coastal Travel Vacations

  • The Inevitable Conclusion

    What are the consequences of letting go of worry and choosing to see the positive? First of all, you will stand out among the crowd. Some people may categorize you as naïve or idealistic, but you can’t please everyone all the time. Don’t worry about the detractors. However, there will be an even larger number of people awed by your influence. People will flock to you, and they will follow in your footsteps.

    Don’t run from leadership. Put yourself and your positive attitude out there. Disappointment may follow, but don’t let yourself get sucked back into the vortex of worry and self-doubt. Even the best people have horrible days, but bad days do not have to become a habit.

    The world is a beautiful place, full of good people who are doing a great work. Join their ranks. You have power over your emotional landscape, and you really can choose to worry less and smile more.

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    Ms Johnnie
    Ms Johnnie Wright
    Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Dani Johnson Interviews One of Coastal Travel’s Top Directors

This is an amazing video that I just needed to share with you all. Dani Johnson interviewed
Diane, single mom and one of our own top Coastal Travel’s Directors.

DFI and Coastal Travel considers Dani Johnson our own personal trainer.
She is not affiliated with Coastal at all but she is Loves helping business owners.

The tips and strategies clients, Dianne and Jeffrey, share in this episode of The Dani Johnson Show
will put you on a fast-track to success in your own life! Get ready to find yourself some inspiration!

Something we all need, if we want to succeed in anything is inspiration! It may seem simple, but it is absolutely necessary.

However, sometimes inspiration can be in short supply just when you really need it the most. Today, that’s no problem, thanks to the stories you will hear on this episode of The Dani Johnson Show guaranteed to inspire, encourage and motivate you.

The tips and strategies Dianne and Jeffrey share will put you on a fast-track to success in your own life!
Get ready to find yourself some inspiration!


Freedom is a Decision!!
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Ms Johnnie Wright
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Working From Home – What Does it Look Like?

So you want to work from home? You want to be your own boss and have total freedom of your money and your life?  If you make working from home a career there will be 4 phases of that career.  Understanding what to expect will help you get to your ultimate goal of independence and financial freedom.  The four phases will be the learning phase, working phase, investing phase and luxury phase.

workingfromhomeThe learning phase is where if you have a legitimate way to work from home you will be learning the product, how to acquire and speak to clients on a regular basis.  During this phase you should have someone who you shadow and or a mentor on a regular basis.  You should be able to reach out to this person on a regular basis.  The learning phase is a foundation to everything else.  It’s the quickest phase to get through and it should take you 2 weeks to 2 months.  After that you should be moving into the working phase.

The working phase is where you are simply in the trenches head down building a lucrative income and working.  This should be when you are heavily plugging into Dani Johnson and what she teaches daily and essentially mastering the basics you learned in the learning phase.  In the first phase you learned how to work, but in this phase you are working to learn.  This is when you will gain the most skill in your new business and you eventually are seen as an expert.  This is also the phase where you are applying Dani Johnson’s “War on Debt” and starting the journey of independence paying down your debt.  During the working phase you become very efficient at working and proficient.  You will be in this phase for 3 to 5 years.  In the end you will have become debt-free built a size-able influence over clients and business associates.

The investing phase comes next.  In the investing phase you still work but it’s second nature and on autopilot.  You don’t second guess the basics.  But you also begin to invest in yourself, your people and your income.  This is where your business has become so successful you need new skill set to manage the money.  Most likely when you started working from home you were from poor to middle class society.  No one taught you the business and tax strategies needed to properly handle your taxes when we are making 200K plus (good problem to have).  You have to lean how to acquire and manage professionals in your life you didn’t know you needed before.  You probably don’t know what a “good” CPA, lawyer or financial advisor looks like. In your “non” working hours you will be learning new skills preparing you for the future.  You will be learning how to take all of your extra money and invest it in creating multiple streams of income, making it last for generations. At this point you will have become a master in your work from home profession and there will be people behind you that need the info you have. You will be investing much of your free time investing in other people and helping them to succeed and reach newer heights.

TRAVEL COLLECTIONFinally it’s the luxury stage.  This is where you will have put the 3 bucket theory of wealth into practice. You have multiple streams of income due to your investments and you have ultimate financial security and stability.  You are never worried about money and you are not concerned about “working for dollars”.  You may go to work because you want to be productive or have some short-term goal.  But in the luxury stage you don’t have any stress from lack of time or money.  You can vacation every month if you want to.  People will envy your life style but the fact is you worked for it.  You can spend 100% of your time with family, friends and just giving back.  You could travel the world as a missionary and never need to be “paid” anything.  You have total freedom!  This is the luxury phase and you made it, congrats!


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What You Need to Know About DFI Coastal Travel and the Vacation Packages!!

 Start.Travel.Business.TodayThere are a lot of people out there talking about Coastal Travel Vacations. Some are good and some are bad. What’s one to believe? Well, I recommend that you do your own research. Like anything else in life, it takes research and investigation to find out what things really are, and the truth is, it could be one thing for somebody and a different one from somebody else depending on their belief system.

In general, Coastal Travel Vacations is an association of entrepreneurs that have the ability to acquire the Coastal Vacations travel package at wholesale prices and sell them at retail prices with a wealthy commission compared to other businesses out there. 1K – 9K

Coastal Travel Vacations

Coastal Travel Vacations

DFI Coastal Travel has been in the travel business for over 28 years. These Coastal Vacations Travel Packages were offered by hotels and other institutions as a back up for people who were offered timeshare and did not buy. They used to retail the Level 1 Coastal Vacations package for $6000 or more. Now, since Coastal has become an association, its members retail the packages at $1295.

The Coastal Vacations Level 1 package includes 5 free cruises, 25 bonus vacations all over the country including Disney World, and a set of over 30 membership cards giving its members discounts in all things travel and entertainment.Banner Travel Collage

The attractiveness of the Coastal Vacations Travel Packages is that it is a lifetime membership, there are no deadlines on the vacations before activation, and one can buy the package for the price of one single cruise to the Caribbean.

The average American family spends $2800 a year on vacations. So, it is beneficial for a family to acquire one of the Coastal Vacations packages and get a lifetime of vacations at an extremely low price, compared to what the average vacation costs.

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Ms Johnnie Wright
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Prince of Wales Hotel, Waterton National Park, Canada

Prince of Wales Hotel, Waterton National Park, Canada

The Prince of Wales Hotel is located in Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada, overlooking Upper Waterton Lake, near the Canada-United States border. Constructed between 1926 and 1927, the hotel was built by the American Great Northern Railway to lure American tourists north of the border during the prohibition era. The hotel was named after the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII), in a transparent attempt to entice him to stay in the hotel on his 1927 Canadian tour, but the Prince stayed at a nearby ranch instead.

The Prince of Wales Hotel enjoys the distinction of being the sole establishment among Canada’s grand railway hotels to have been built by an American, as opposed to a Canadian, railway company. The hotel was designated a National Historic Site of Canada by the Canadian government in 1995.

Prince_of_Wales_Hotel_Waterton 2The Prince of Wales Hotel was built as an extension to the chain of hotels and chalets built and operated by the Great Northern Railway in Glacier National Park, Montana. Louis Hill, President of the Great Northern Railroad, picked the site for the hotel in 1912. It took until 1926 to get the land leased from the Canadian Government and construction began immediately thereafter.

When Mr. Hill decided to build the hotel, he planned for a building somewhat like the Many Glacier Hotel in Montana. The original plan called for a long three-storied, low roofed building with a central lobby and approximately 300 rooms. As the building progressed, Mr. Hill changed his mind several times so that some parts of the building had to be rebuilt four times. He wanted the building to resemble French or Swiss chalets.  Hill’s final vision stands today, a proud hotel overlooking the township of Waterton; complete with 86 rooms in seven-stories and crowned with a 30-foot bell tower.

All materials and supplies for the construction were shipped via railway to Hill Spring and then transported the last 25 miles by mule team. During construction the building crew faced numerous obstacles including a spring thaw that turned the 25 miles of road into a muddy quagmire and high winds that blew the building off-center twice. The fear of these high winds almost caused the project to be abandoned but construction finally proceeded and the building was completed and officially opened to the public on July 25, 1927.

Occasionally the building will sway slightly when the winds are heavy, but there is no danger because the building was constructed to withstand even the fiercest of gales. The building is anchored to its site by means of large cables installed from its loft, through the structure and into the ground itself.

The hotel is named after the Prince of Wales, the popular Prince Edward, who was later to become King Edward VIII. He was admired and adored worldwide, even after his abdication of the British Throne in 1936 when he chose to marry a commoner from America. The hotel was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 1992 with Plaque status granted in 1995 and was highlighted in the 2008 National Geographic™ Crown of the Continent Geotourism Map Guide.

The Prince of Wales Hotel is a smoke free, 7-story facility with designated outdoor smoking areas. Check-in time is after 3:00 p.m. and checkout time is 11:00 a.m. All rooms are accessed via stairs and are sold based on view or room size. An antique elevator is available for floors 2 through 4 and requires assistance to operate. There are no ADA-accessible rooms available at Prince of Wales Hotel. The self parking lot is located a short walk from the hotel.

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DFI Coastal Travel – Freedom at it’s BEST!!

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Top 3 Luxury Beach Cities in San Diego

With summer in full force, the cities of Southern California get inundated with visitors from all over.  Perhaps it’s the near-perfect weather (not too hot, not too cold) or the infectious vibe of happy people—but San Diego, at least, can expect many a beach-bound visitor.   And, with 4th of July holiday just around the corner, every piece of shoreline will be packed.  Pick your playground wisely and use our guide to the city’s top, must-see beaches:


This landmark beach community is quite literally postcard picture-perfect.   From the famous Hotel Del Coronado to the mom-and-pop cafes and stores, Coronado is a quaint, little place that offers huge expanses of white beach.  It is family friendly, yet tranquil.  Grab a homemade ice-cream cone and explore the main street or grab a blanket and spread out on the sparkling sand.  This beach is perfect for low-key relaxation.


La Jolla

Glitz and glamour abound—La Jolla, quite simply “The Jewel”—is just that.  A gem of a beach city, it boasts some of the best restaurants, shops and scenery in San Diego.  Walk through its meandering streets to fulfill every window shopping whim or wander through any of the several art galleries.  Treat yourself to Pacific Rim fare at George’s at the Cove and follow-up with a walk down the shore so you don’t miss the fat and happy neighborhood seals, nearby.  There is so much to do in La Jolla and just as many coves, cliffs and bits of beach to choose from once the ocean starts to beckon!

La Jolla

Del Mar

This strip of a beach neighborhood offers boutiques and restos ripe with Americana charm.  Stroll down the street to take in the sights and then share a meal at one of the handful of restaurants right on the water.  Afterwards, a walk on the beach will make for the true pleasure of the evening—a little wading during sunset is good for the soul.

Del Mar

Source: Grace Yco 


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Worry Less – Smile More

  • Anyone else tired of reading the news? It’s been a rough year on many fronts, with global economics, violent shootings and unpopular politics filling the news cycle. Some days it seems next to impossible to filter through the negativity and find good in the world.

    It begs the question: Are optimistic people living in a state of self-delusion? Where is the value of positivity? Before you give up on humanity, really take a look around. There is good everywhere. There are wonderful things that will soften even the most callous heart. The key is ending the cycle of negativity in favor of the power of positive thinking.

  • Unplugging

    Our constantly connected culture comes with some serious perks. Social media, smart phones and tablets help us connect with loved ones on a level never before dreamed possible. However, all that connectivity keeps us dialed into the outside world all the time.

    Designate a part of your day, preferably a large part, as tech-free time. Give yourself permission to disengage from cynical Facebook posts, guilt-inducing blogs, dreaming of a better life on Pinterest and following negative news stories. Use this time to engage with the people around you.

    Take 30 minutes to read books to your kids, prepare a meal with your spouse or call a good friend. These simple acts will boost your sense of well-being. When we make a conscious effort to leave our digital life behind, we re-enter the real world where you can make priceless memories.

  • Accentuate the Positive

    You can find the good in the world. You can break the cycle of negative thinking. It all starts with where you choose to look. Some people wallow in the negative. You know the people; they are the dramatic, needy, negative, energy drainers who you feel obligated to stay close with. Let them go.

    Surround yourself with positive people, and you will find yourself becoming more positive in the process. Choose to spend your time with those who inspire you, lift you up and help you see the world for the beautiful place it is. These good people will put your challenges in proper perspective and keep you from focusing your energy on things beyond your control. Here are some lessons we can learn from our children on being happy.

    Seeking the joy.

    Now that you’ve learned to worry less by reconnecting with the real world and ditching the negative influences, it’s time to smile more. Smile more and mean it. Smile more and feel it.

    Happiness is a choice. It’s one we make over and over, every single day. We can choose to find joy. Get outside, celebrate the big and little moments, find your passion and follow it with purpose. If you can’t find the good in your world, create it. When you dedicate your time and talents to bettering the lives of others, you become the good you want to see in the world. What a powerful sentiment.

  • The Inevitable Conclusion

    What are the consequences of letting go of worry and choosing to see the positive? First of all, you will stand out among the crowd. Some people may categorize you as naïve or idealistic, but you can’t please everyone all the time. Don’t worry about the detractors. However, there will be an even larger number of people awed by your influence. People will flock to you, and they will follow in your footsteps.

    Don’t run from leadership. Put yourself and your positive attitude out there. Disappointment may follow, but don’t let yourself get sucked back into the vortex of worry and self-doubt. Even the best people have horrible days, but bad days do not have to become a habit.

    The world is a beautiful place, full of good people who are doing a great work. Join their ranks. You have power over your emotional landscape, and you really can choose to worry less and smile more.

    Source: Family Share

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    Ms Johnnie

    Ms Johnnie Wright
    Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Falling In Love With Amsterdam’s Jordaan Neighbourhood

Adam Groffman is a globetrotter and self-styled hipster. He writes about expat life, festivals, nightlife and LGBT tourism across the globe on his personal travel blog, Travels of Adam. When he’s not out exploring the coolest bars and clubs, he’s usually enjoying the local arts and culture scene of a new city. Here he reveals why Jordaan, in Amsterdam, won him over and stole his heart.


Despite being in Amsterdam three days already, I was yet to make it to what is arguably the most famous (and touristy) area of the city. It was a bright Sunday morning when I did finally make it to the Jordaan neighbourhood. The reason? I was on a mission to avoid the overwhelming crowds in favour of something a little less obvious.

Amsterdam by night schulzhattingen/iStock/Thinkstock

But crossing the Prinsengracht canal into the Jordaan neighbourhood, I soon realised I had made a mistake. This part of the city wasn’t the overrated Disneyland-like area I had imagined after all. In fact, it was quite the contrast. The vibrant streets were energetic and the atmosphere was effervescent, making it easy to see why this area has enticed some of the most interesting students, artists and young creatives to its quarters. There’s a reason some places are so popular, and after spending my Sunday strolling through the Jordaan (as the locals say), I could see why.


The Jordaan isn’t just beautiful streets and canals, though. It’s also home to some of Amsterdam’s more interesting history. The Dutch style “brown cafes” are dotted throughout the area; skinny homes and buildings named for their dark brown interiors, and usually a bar or café on the ground floor. What was originally made for the Dutch working classes in the 17th century, when the Jordaan sat on the outskirts of Amsterdam, is nowadays a choice hangout for arty locals and curious visitors.

The delectable apple pie from Café Papeneiland

After a long and leisurely amble, I settled into the world-famous Café Papeneiland. I’d previously read rave reviews of their apple pie and decided to sample a slice for myself –it didn’t disappoint. As the newspaper clippings over the bar proclaim, famous faces from around the world (including former American President Bill Clinton), have come here in search of Amsterdam’s finest pastry. With their friendly staff for company, and a prime spot on the outdoor patio, I spent a good hour taking in the refreshing local atmosphere. Bikes whizzed past; people stopped at the nearby bridge to take photos; a mural was being painted off in the distance.

On the streets

Over the course of its history the Jordaan neighbourhood has been home to many famous Dutch citizens, including famous portrait painter Rembrandt van Rijn. Sitting in one of Amsterdam’s remaining brown cafes, you can almost imagine where Rembrandt found his dark and dramatic inspiration. But these days, there’s nothing dark about the Jordaan, except maybe the coffee.

Words by Adam Groffman


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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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