Tag Archive | dfi coastal travel

The Perfect Business Model

The Perfect Business Model
I know some of the thoughts that are running through your head right now … because I have been there also! You know that you want to create freedom for yourself; but you have concerns about whether Coastal Travel, DFI, is right for you.I would like to share with you some of the observations which I made while I was going through the same decision-making process.The traditional models and methods for advertising are beginning to change. It is more difficult and more costly than ever for marketers to grab consumer attention. It is only the huge mega-corporations which can afford the national print and television campaigns … and these campaigns are losing their effectiveness.CV.AD.Capture.Page

What do I rely upon when making a consumer decision? Generally, I look to the advice and experience of my friends, my neighbors and my family as well as to the credibility of the company. Even with the internet and immense access to information, I found that I demanded a company with history and that I relied even more on recommendations from people I trust.. and of course, the High Commission structure was a BIG Help!

DFI Coastal Travel has developed a more effective approach to gathering customers. You provide the access to friends, family and acquaintances and Coastal Travel supplies you with a marketing plan, motivational support, training and conference calls, regional meetings and the support of your sponsors.

This home-based business has a system that does 99% of the work for you with a beautiful web site and is the best value anywhere in the industry.

Coastal Travel takes care of everything. You’ll be backed by a solid company with an experienced management team so you can focus on your journey to financial independence.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

To your success..

Freedom is a Decision!!
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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Are You Ready?

The Perfect Product
TRAVEL is the number one topic researched on the World Wide Web. Coupled with the fact that a “baby boomer” retires every 8 seconds for the next 20 years and the stage is set for the greatest economic opportunity for a home based business.Why is that? Because these future retirees main leisure activity is Travel!! Brick and mortar travel agencies are closing their doors, and the home based travel agent is the wave of the future!!

Coastal Travel has developed a proven business model that allows anyone to participate in this dynamic opportunity. Regardless of experience, our home-based opportunity will work for you with great success.

The Compensation Plan (1K-9K per Sale) and the training that I am enjoying here at DFI Coastal Travel is leading me down the path to financial freedom, and I get to travel too!

To your success..

Freedom is a Decision!!
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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Why Should You Start a Home Based Business?!!

9 Reasons to Start a Home-Based Business

Live Your Dreams BannerThe “Lifestyle” approach to marketing is an innovative yet natural way to gain financial independence. It’s innovative because it defies the traditional business model of relying on advertising to generate slow-building product sales. It’s natural because instead of high-pressure sales tactics and expensive advertising, it relies on the concept of helping yourself through helping others.

That’s why when I started to list nine great reasons why this is the perfect day to start owning your life, I had a really hard time. It wasn’t because it was hard to come up with nine reasons, it was hard to limit the list to just nine!

To help me narrow the many reasons down to just a few, I went to some of our most successful partners. They told me that for them, the benefit isn’t just making more money; it is enjoying a whole new lifestyle. These are the nine biggest benefits of that lifestyle.

Quality of Life

Take a Well-Deserved Vacation

homepagegraphicmontageconWhen was the last time you took a vacation? How long was it? For most people vacations are controlled by their employer. They are told when they can go and how long they can take. Wouldn’t you like to take as long a vacation as you want, when you are ready to go? When you own the business, you set the vacation schedule!

Spend More Time with Your Family

If you spend 40, 60 or even 80 hours a week at work, how much time are you spending with your family? How many dance recitals or HBB.Family.Petsparent-teacher meetings have you missed? These years of family time that you are losing can never be regained. Make the choice to own your life today, and start giving your family the love and attention that both you and they deserve.

Give Your Children a Stay-at-Home Parent

Life is full of tough choices. You hated the idea of taking your kids to daycare instead of being home with them every day. You had to, though, just to make ends meet. Very few jobs today pay enough to let one parent stay home. When you live and work at home, you can earn as much as you need and still be there for your children. Your spouse may be able to stay home, too. You won’t miss any more of the crucial bonding years with your children. You decide how much time you need to spend working, and take the family time that you need.

Financial Freedom

Eliminate Debts

Part of owning your life is owning your financial situation. If you have debts, you can spend the extra money you can make paying some of them off. Get rid of those high-interest credit card payments. Pay off your car. Remove some of the stress in your life by eliminating some of your debts.

Pay Your Mortgage Off Quicker

A home mortgage is one of the biggest expenses most people have. Wouldn’t you like to get yours paid off sooner? Just one extra principal payment each year can take years off of your loan. Imagine what two or three could do! Imagine making an extra payment each month! Paying your mortgage off sooner can mean having to work less in your later years.

Earn More Money to Help Buy Your Dream Car or Home

Dream Home InsideOwning your business can mean earning more money for the things you want. Because your labor goes to make money for you instead of a corporation, you can earn more money for the hours that you work. You may want to put some of this money toward the car or home you have always wanted. That is what financial freedom is all about.

Increase Your Savings

Enjoy Valuable Tax Savings

Saving money is the same as making more money. When you own a home-based business, part of your home becomes business space. The rooms you work in, the computer and printer you use, and your Internet service and cell phone all may become business expenses. This means they may be deductible on your taxes, saving you money! That is more money you can put to work paying off debts or taking a hard-earned vacation.

Save for a Rainy Day

When you work for someone else, it is hard to have extra money at the end of the month for savings. If your car broke down, could you pay to get it fixed? If your child needed braces, could you afford them? The extra money you can earn with your own business can make this possible. You can put some of that money in the bank for a rainy day. That way, when the bumps in the road of life come along, you will be ready for them.

Add to Your Retirement Savings

Do have enough money in the bank to retire when you are ready? Does your present job let you save enough money every month so that you can ever stop working? Jobs today rarely come with company-paid retirement plans. They make you put your money into stocks or IRAs if you want to be able to retire. That can be hard to do when you barely make enough to pay the bills. Your home-based business can give you the extra money to start building up your retirement savings now.

Learn How You Can Own Your Life Today!

Find out how you can have a whole new lifestyle with your own home based business. Click the button below for more information on this once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity. There is no better time than now to start owning your life!

Freedom is a Decision!!

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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DFI Live Hero of the Month Ms Joanie Generates 30K Doing the Basics!!

This Article came in from DFILive.com and I just had to share Joanie’s Testimony — Enjoy!!

Joanie: The Power of Just Doing the Basics

clip image002 thumb January Hero Of the Month

Congratulations to Joanie for being chosen as the DFI Hero of the Month!! Is it possible to earn a substantial income, a life-changing income, just quietly going along doing the basics???? YES!!! Recently, Joanie broke her own income record! After several months of making $3,000-$10,000 a month, she generated over $30,000, “just doing the basics.”

Joanie and her husband, Anthony, were not accustomed to making that kind of money. Before finding Coastal, they really struggled to make ends meet monthly. Anthony worked in the oil fields in pipeline installation. He was often gone for weeks at a time and the income was inconsistent. Joanie operated a small in-home day care, juggling caring for children and paying the bills. In an attempt to make things a little better, they decided to make a move, in which Anthony would take on a new position.

Joanie moved first with their two children. She decided to get a couple of jobs to pay the bills, so she took up working as a waitress in a local restaurant and teaching at a preschool. She initially thought she would enjoy working a 9-5 job like everyone else, but soon found it taxing to be away from her children that many hours a day and still did not have enough income to take care of their needs. Anthony’s new job fell through and they were left living off credit cards and feeling dissatisfied and unhappy.He

clip image004 thumb January Hero Of the MonthMore and more desperate, Joanie began seeking out what it meant to work from home. After filling out a few forms on the internet and receiving many phone calls, she was called by her director. She knew right off that what he had was different. She was impressed by his integrity, and the simplicity and genuineness of the system that she saw. Making the decision to start her business with Coastal, she attended First Steps to Success with Dani Johnson.

Coming out of that event, Joanie was so excited by all that she had learned that she insisted Anthony should go! She made several thousand dollars right away through Coastal and came home to be with her children again.

Joanie and Anthony have paid off $50,000 in debt in just 23 months, thanks to the increased income from Coastal and the “War on Debt” strategies they learned at First Steps to Success. With only $20,000 more to go, they are planning to be debt-free by the end of this year.

clip image006 thumb January Hero Of the MonthJoanie is looking forward to bringing her husband home. “He always supported me in Coastal. Now we will be able to spend more time together and we’ll be working together – as a team.” They are excited about the possibilities of what they will be able to do with their kids. They are looking forward to showing their kids the steps to be anything they want to be and they are going to have fun doing it! They’ve already been able to do more traveling together as a family and they are looking forward to even more.

Joanie’s vision is so much bigger than herself and her family. She loves “handing someone the keys to a fresh start.” Joanie wants to see her success duplicate itself in others. She knows that “the only limits we have are the limits we put on ourselves.” Her passion and fire are to help people experience the world without limits.

Always learning and applying what she’s learned, Joanie found that the best thing she can do for her business is keep it simple! “Stick to the basics. Stay focused. Stay on track. When you get comfortable, remember where you came from. I made over 5 figures a month just doing the basics: pick up the phone, read scripts, and do it all over again.”

Way to go, Joanie!!! Keep up the great work!!!! Congratulations!!!

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Working From Home – What Does it Look Like?

So you want to work from home? You want to be your own boss and have total freedom of your money and your life?  If you make working from home a career there will be 4 phases of that career.  Understanding what to expect will help you get to your ultimate goal of independence and financial freedom.  The four phases will be the learning phase, working phase, investing phase and luxury phase.

workingfromhomeThe learning phase is where if you have a legitimate way to work from home you will be learning the product, how to acquire and speak to clients on a regular basis.  During this phase you should have someone who you shadow and or a mentor on a regular basis.  You should be able to reach out to this person on a regular basis.  The learning phase is a foundation to everything else.  It’s the quickest phase to get through and it should take you 2 weeks to 2 months.  After that you should be moving into the working phase.

The working phase is where you are simply in the trenches head down building a lucrative income and working.  This should be when you are heavily plugging into Dani Johnson and what she teaches daily and essentially mastering the basics you learned in the learning phase.  In the first phase you learned how to work, but in this phase you are working to learn.  This is when you will gain the most skill in your new business and you eventually are seen as an expert.  This is also the phase where you are applying Dani Johnson’s “War on Debt” and starting the journey of independence paying down your debt.  During the working phase you become very efficient at working and proficient.  You will be in this phase for 3 to 5 years.  In the end you will have become debt-free built a size-able influence over clients and business associates.

The investing phase comes next.  In the investing phase you still work but it’s second nature and on autopilot.  You don’t second guess the basics.  But you also begin to invest in yourself, your people and your income.  This is where your business has become so successful you need new skill set to manage the money.  Most likely when you started working from home you were from poor to middle class society.  No one taught you the business and tax strategies needed to properly handle your taxes when we are making 200K plus (good problem to have).  You have to lean how to acquire and manage professionals in your life you didn’t know you needed before.  You probably don’t know what a “good” CPA, lawyer or financial advisor looks like. In your “non” working hours you will be learning new skills preparing you for the future.  You will be learning how to take all of your extra money and invest it in creating multiple streams of income, making it last for generations. At this point you will have become a master in your work from home profession and there will be people behind you that need the info you have. You will be investing much of your free time investing in other people and helping them to succeed and reach newer heights.

TRAVEL COLLECTIONFinally it’s the luxury stage.  This is where you will have put the 3 bucket theory of wealth into practice. You have multiple streams of income due to your investments and you have ultimate financial security and stability.  You are never worried about money and you are not concerned about “working for dollars”.  You may go to work because you want to be productive or have some short-term goal.  But in the luxury stage you don’t have any stress from lack of time or money.  You can vacation every month if you want to.  People will envy your life style but the fact is you worked for it.  You can spend 100% of your time with family, friends and just giving back.  You could travel the world as a missionary and never need to be “paid” anything.  You have total freedom!  This is the luxury phase and you made it, congrats!


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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Why Does Coastal Travel (DFI) Work? Freedom at it’s Best!

CV.Ocean.Island.BannerI’ve always said the business was simple but why? I’m going to lay out in bullet points what I explained to him and why I believe Coastal Travel is so simple.

1. The product is in huge demand. Who does not want to take a vacation? With the news and perception that the economy is slow who does not want to make some extra money on top of that? But that alone does not make it simple.

2. The presentations, the telling and selling is already done for you. DFI is a marketing and training system established by Coastal Travel Directors for Coastal Travel Directors. IF you are part of the DFI Marketing/Training and Development system then you don’t have to build websites that is already done. Live Conference calls that are live and with real people. Hosted by people who are giving back of their time. Usually 6 Figure Income earners doing the presenting for you and answering questions for you when you are brand new.

3. Advertising and Marketing already figured out. While you can market coastal travel like any other product or service. If you don’t have that type of background you can use the same marketing methods that every other leader is using. 95% of the money I ever earned came utilizing our marketing companies that DFI has set up for us. This is probably one of the biggest reasons for success. The successful directors are building their business just like the newest person. That’s duplication.

4. Support and Training is unbelievable. In Coastal Travel you can believe that almost always your director I don’t care how long they have been around they will be there to help you. It’s genius the way the training pay works. I’d say it definitely ensures that someone is there to help you but, on top of that the DFI Training System is incredible. 18 live support training calls every week were successful directors are volunteering their time to help you build a business and succeed. They are giving back because someone did it for them. OK maybe this is the reason for the business being so simple.

The bottom line is this where else in corporate America does it exist were the most successful people will volunteer hours a week to help guide you and be there to provide feedback for you when ever you need it. If you are like me you maybe wondering what do they get for it? That was my biggest question about 4 years ago as well. The reality is they get absolutely nothing except for a good feeling inside knowing they are helping someone get to where they are.

5. The People, are genuine honest and real. Some of the best people I ever met in my life were in DFI. I’d have to say that DFI makes Coastal Travel what it is. People who care about you from day one. It doesn’t matter that they don’t know you, in the beginning you just know that they are there to help. It’s not till later that you realize behind the scenes on every call there are hundreds of people in the background that are cheering you on and pulling for you. They really do want you to succeed. Over time they start to learn who you are as a person, by your voice over the phone and your personality. How many times have you had someone encourage you to do better over and over. They were never jealous they just wanted to see you succeed!

I guess I’d have to restate the obvious now because of DFI, Coastal Travel is an extremely simple why to work from home. All the hard part of being in your own business is figured out. They have the product, the presentations are figured out for your clients via websites or conference calls, they have the clients already expecting to hear back from you and they have people who are incredibly giving. Over all combined DFI has created the best experience of my life.

Source: Stacy

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Christine Earns $14,000 in 5 Weeks in Coastal Travel – DFI


Last night’s New Associate training call, Mr. Jackie had an interview with Christine from GA.
This young woman started out at 25 years old with $90,000 in debt with only $200.
She found a way and bought her basic package to get started

( Listen for full details ). She goes on to make $14,000 in a 5 weeks span.
Listen to the full interview >> http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WsSpPzwx

To find out how Christine has had so much success in such a short amount of time!! Don’t just trust this email.

>> http://www.byoaudio.com/play/WsSpPzwx

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Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Is Coastal Vacations Travel Network Marketing?

Me.EnjoySixFiguresCoastal Vacations Travel is an association of entrepreneurs that market the Coastal Vacations travel packages at wholesale prices.  Coastal Vacations does have a compensations system, but it is not an MLM, Network Marketing, a Pyramid, or anything like that.

Coastal Travel uses a 2-up compensation plan.  There is a lot of confusion because a lot of people think that Coastal Vacations is an MLM or a Pyramid.  The 2-Up system basically works this way:

Coastal Travel gives a minimum commission of $1000 to its members, actually, they get to get that money in their hands themselves first and then order the travel package from the Coastal Vacations shipping center called N.B. Management our of Florida.

A Coastal Travel member is called a Director. There is Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 directors. Each director brings people on board and they help their new associates to make their first two sales by training them in one of the many systems that the Coastal Vacations groups offer and helping them close the sales.

Then, the first two sales of the new associates are passed up to the Director because he helped close those sales, called training sales.

Once an associate gives his director two training sales, he now becomes a director and can make money at the level that he comes in at.

This system is very attractive to a lot of entrepreneurs because once they make their first two sales they can make a minimum of $1000 per sale. Coastal Travel has commissions of $1000, $3200, and $9700 depending on the level if these packages are sold retail.

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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Boost Up Your DFI Coastal Travel Business in Just 5 Easy Steps

Discover.The.World.of.Wholesale.TravelIt is a fact that Coastal Travel is in the top 5 home-based businesses virtually since its launch 25+ years ago. It a business that people can do online and offline and make thousands of dollars on each sale. However, many people join Coastal Travel and then get frustrated when they don’t see the expected results in a short amount of time. Here are five steps that could guarantee you a boost in your Coastal Travel sales if you implement them immediately.

1. Treat it like a business:

OK. Now you signed up for Coastal Travel and are ready to see those $1,000, $3,200, and $9,700 check come to your door. It is absolutely possible, but Coastal Travel is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is a business and thus you need to treat it like one. It is very important that you have a quiet office space in your house where you can conduct your business. You must also have a daily schedule and a list of thing to do everyday for your business.


2. Change your mindset:

A very well-known motivational speaker states that “successful people think about what they want and how to get it”. Don’t think about your obstacles, but about how you are going to accomplish your vision. Write down your dreams and your mind will find a way to make them happen. Think positive, be enthusiastic, and go for it!

3.  Add Value and Bonuses:

We never suggest the Coastal members to talk about the investment price first. Let them find out about the incredible vacations, the free cruises, the potential income they can make with the Coastal Travel Vacation Package first. Once they find value in what you have to offer them, they will find a way to get the money. We have seen it happen over and over again. People will find a way if they find value in the Coastal Travel vacation packages and how they could change their lives.

4. Don’t Try To Re-invent The Wheel:

Success leaves tracks. Find out who is already being successful with the Coastal Travel business and copy them! I am not suggesting you to copy every single word on their websites, but I am suggesting you find out what they are doing and you do the same! It is really as easy as that. Find out where they are advertising, what their ads say, what they say to their prospects, and every bit of information you can gather from them. I can almost guarantee you that most successful Coastal Travel reps have one thing in common: they treat their business like a business, they have office hours and stick to them; even if you can only work 3 hours a day, or 10 hours a week, stick to it and do it. If doing what they’re doing is successful for them, why not for you?


5. Location, Location, Location:

You have a great product and business opportunity in your hands, but nobody will know about it unless you advertise. Knowing where and how to advertise is vital for your business.  This will be the bloodstream that will draw people to you. You must advertise to be successful in any business, especially in Coastal Travel. The DFI Marketing System has a vast back office with training on how to advertise and amazing advertising companies to work with. This is how important it is for your business, and the advertising possibilities are endless if you get creative. Pay-per-click and classified ads are great, but you can also wear a button, tell everyone you know, pass out flyers and business cards, put a signature with your website on your personal emails; there are many free ways of advertising that you could use that won’t cost you a dime and could result in a $1,000 sale for you.

Now you know what to do to take your Coastal Travel business to the next level. I hope this article encouraged you and helped you get in the right mindset of success. The Coastal Travel vacation packages add up in value every year without changing in price. This business opportunity could be the pathway to financial freedom that many people dream of if they know how to run their business properly.

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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What You Need to Know About DFI Coastal Travel and the Vacation Packages!!

 Start.Travel.Business.TodayThere are a lot of people out there talking about Coastal Travel Vacations. Some are good and some are bad. What’s one to believe? Well, I recommend that you do your own research. Like anything else in life, it takes research and investigation to find out what things really are, and the truth is, it could be one thing for somebody and a different one from somebody else depending on their belief system.

In general, Coastal Travel Vacations is an association of entrepreneurs that have the ability to acquire the Coastal Vacations travel package at wholesale prices and sell them at retail prices with a wealthy commission compared to other businesses out there. 1K – 9K

Coastal Travel Vacations

Coastal Travel Vacations

DFI Coastal Travel has been in the travel business for over 28 years. These Coastal Vacations Travel Packages were offered by hotels and other institutions as a back up for people who were offered timeshare and did not buy. They used to retail the Level 1 Coastal Vacations package for $6000 or more. Now, since Coastal has become an association, its members retail the packages at $1295.

The Coastal Vacations Level 1 package includes 5 free cruises, 25 bonus vacations all over the country including Disney World, and a set of over 30 membership cards giving its members discounts in all things travel and entertainment.Banner Travel Collage

The attractiveness of the Coastal Vacations Travel Packages is that it is a lifetime membership, there are no deadlines on the vacations before activation, and one can buy the package for the price of one single cruise to the Caribbean.

The average American family spends $2800 a year on vacations. So, it is beneficial for a family to acquire one of the Coastal Vacations packages and get a lifetime of vacations at an extremely low price, compared to what the average vacation costs.

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Ms Johnnie

Ms Johnnie Wright
Founder – Coastal Christian Team

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